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"Nebby?" Gladion asked. Lillie nodded absentmindedly. "It just seems right to give it a name. It just came to me."

It was a few hours before sunset. Gladion and Lillie were already dressed in special uniforms. In a couple of hours, the Alolan Police Force and the gang were going to confront the Aether Foundation. They were just about to leave to meet up with everyone. "Cosmog already had a name, though." Gladion said with an exasperated face. Lillie pouted and stared at her older brother. "But you call Null by a nickname!"

"Okay, but it's a shortened version of it's real name."

"It's the same!"

"No, it isn't," Gladion doubled down. "I swear you're the most annoying person I know."

"Sweetie~!" Moon approached the boy. "Are you all set for the thing? Where's your bandana?" the girl asked worriedly, holding up her own matching one.

The older boy stood corrected. He held up his hand with a black cloth. "Here."

Hobbes walked in, a concerned look on his face. The three kids turned to look at him, feeling he had something to say. "I still think it would be best if I were to accompany the three of you. I might not be as young as I used to be, but I still have some fight left in me."

Gladion shook his head. "This isn't your fight. You've taken care of us for so long, now it's time that we do some growing up." he mumbled, more to himself. Hobbes had a small smile on his face. "I still intend to help the officers out in some way, I shall figure something out." he said. He walked even closer to the three of you. "You do know that none of you have anything to prove, right? You two are not your mother." he assured the two Aether kids. He then turned to Moon. "Please take care of them for me." he asked.

Moon smiled. "Gladion is scarier than an Ultra Beast, we'll be fine." she reassured him. Lillie stood up and quickly went to give him a hug. Gladion hesitated for a moment, then went to do the same.

The truth was that they didn't know that the evening held in store for them. Yet, for some odd reason...they knew they weren't saying goodbye. "We'll be back soon", instead.

Shiron was patiently waiting for everyone, just outside the room. It's fur was pristine, freshly groomed. Nebby was next to it in the bag, quietly peeking out from the zipper. Their determination didn't do anything to quell its fears about going back to the Aether Foundation. All it wanted to do was run. Now it had to fight.


A line of police boats lined the sea. The gang were ready to set sail to the Aether Foundation. They were just about halfway there, just far enough to where they wouldn't be seen as suspicious. Everyone was quiet on the main boat, where Ash and his friends were stationed.

The plan was relatively simple: first, attempt to talk Lusamine out of the experiment and intimidate her into cooperation. It wasn't the most likely scenario, so everyone was planning to fight their way to the machine the Aether employees described and destroy it in one shot. Officer Jenny was on the phone. "Status report, please."

"No unusual radio traffic from Aether Paradise," an officer on the other end reported. "No anomalies to report either. The experiment has not started."

Natasha, Karen, and Ethan were unrestrained, and stood towards the front of the boat, looking out into the distance. "This is a good sign, it means we have plenty of time." Ethan pointed out.

"That time's going to run out when Lusamine realizes what's happening..." Karen mumbled timidly.

Natasha shook her head. "This is the only chance we have. We have to take it." she turned and looked at the younger children. "We'll lead you through Aether Paradise, just as planned."

"Right!" everyone said in unison.

Lillie clutched onto both Shiron's Poké Ball and the bag Nebby was in. This was her chance to finally be brave. Gladion put his hand on her shoulder. "It's going to be all over."

"What do you mean?" his younger sister asked. Gladion met her gaze. "Mother can't go on with her delusions if we pull this off. No more Aether Beasts, no more insanity. If anything, I think our whole family situation is about to change." he explained.

"Do you really think Mother is going to change just like that?" Lillie asked. Gladion shrugged. "Not easily."

The rest of their friends were off to the side, giving them some privacy. Kiawe was stretching his arms. "I think this is a big moment from them. Gladion can finally ease up a bit, and Lillie has a shot of getting over her fears."

"But we're trying to stop the Ultra Beasts from appearing, not fighting them." Sophocles pointed out. Lana smacked him in the back.

"I think Lillie's brave either way," Ash said. "I can't imagine having to fight my own mom, she's awesome."

Pikachu nodded in agreement, Ash's mom made the best ketchup-filled dishes.

A commotion among the police roused everyone from their discussions. The sound of a helicopter was getting closer to the boats, but it wasn't from the police department. "The media?!" Jenny asked in shock. "I thought we left the harbor without the public noticing!"

"Someone must of tipped them off," Gladion growled. "But why do they care about a bunch of boats anyway? It's not like anything is happening right now."

A door to the helicopter opened and a reporter hung out from it. "A breaking news exclusive: the Beast Killer has been spotted with the police in the middle of the sea! Has the mysterious fugitive been arrested, and on what charges?!"

Arceus damn it! Gladion thought. The media never stopped its obsession with his battles against the Ultra Beasts with Null. Now Lusamine would know that he's on his way to Aether Paradise.

Jenny picked up her radio. "All units, our cover has been blown. Full speed ahead, operation must commence now!"

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