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Thank you all for 5,000 reads! Enjoy the chapter!


The students at the Pokémon were hard at work, reading a lesson from their textbooks. Kukui was about to emphasize on why pulling a Pyroar's tail was a bad idea when a knock at the classroom door interrupted him. Principal Samson Oak opened it.

"Pardon me, Professor Kukui, but I must speak to Lillie-gant!" he explained, impersonating the dancing flower Pokémon. Lillie hesitantly gathered her belongings and made her way down the hall, the curious glances of her friends following her out.

Samson led Lillie to the principal's office and showed Lillie in. Once inside, the principal had to steady Lillie after she laid eyes on the scene before her.

Gladion and Moon were seated in front of her. Tears welled up in Lillie's face as she studied the familiar face of her runaway brother. "G-Gladion? Is it....is it..."

"Still can't find your words, huh? It's been roughly two years and you still haven't changed." the boy teased with a smirk. Lillie wiped her tears with a small pout. "Your older sibling complex hasn't changed, either. But what are you doing here?" she asked before turning her eyes to Moon. "O-oh. I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself. My name is-"

"Lillie. I've heard a lot about you from your brother. He's so sweet." Moon softly smiled, Gladion avoiding eye contact as his face reddened. "That's not important," he stammered. "We have bigger issues to deal with."

Lillie sat down as she stared at her brother in a hazy daze. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Ow! she thought. Damn, she forgot she bruised easily.

"Lillie, I came back because I feel a need to protect you." Gladion stated. Lillie flinched. "You mean from Mother? I mean she is really pushy sometimes but I don't see-"

"No, I'm not talking about her. At least not directly. Have you heard about the appearances of mysterious creatures around Alola?"

Lillie thought in silence for a moment or two. With all of her thoughts on Ash and Shiron, she hadn't been paying attention to much of the regional news. She shook her head.

"It has to do the experiments Mom's been trying at Aether, I'm one hundred percent sure of it. If Mom keeps this up, then there's no telling the chaos she'll bring to Alola."

"In other words," Moon spoke up, "these portals summon creatures known as Ultra Beasts from other worlds. They're very powerful, and we don't know what they can do when exposed to an unfamiliar world such as ours."

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