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Lillie took a step back in surprise. Out of all the possible people that could have been at that door during the given circumstances, she didn't expect Ash to show up. "Ash? What a surprise...what are you doing here?"

Ash did something he had never really done before: choose his next words carefully. He didn't feel like he could just come out and say that Kukui wanted him to help Lillie with her fear of Pokémon because it could offend her, treating her like a random problem. He wanted his actions to show the true sincerity behind his motives. He put on a grin and a hand behind his head. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out."

Lillie didn't expect the sudden rush of emotions she felt at the thought of hanging out with Ash. He was her friend, of course she wouldn't mind...but why did she feel anxious? "U-um, of course I would love to hang out but maybe this isn't the best time-"

"Go ahead." Hobbes' voice said from behind. Lillie turned to face him in confusion. "It's alright, I'll take care of these chores for you."

Lillie didn't understand what he meant until he gave a little nod. He wanted her to enjoy herself and not deal with the family drama. She gave a thankful smile. "Thank you, Hobbes."

"Awesome, let's go!" Ash exclaimed and began speedily walking from the door. Lillie was following him with a smile, thankful for what Hobbes did. Suddenly her smile turned into a frown. She was born into wealth and Hobbes was their butler. Why would Lillie have to do chores?

She thanked Arceus for Ash's dense personality, too strong for him to notice.


"Pleeeeeeeeeeease!?!!??!" Moon pleaded, making Rockruff eyes.

Gladion groaned. "Tell me again why you want to join me on a dangerous mission?"

"All Pokémon journeys are kind of dangerous, silly," Moon said. "Plus I'm really strong! Look!" she threw out a Poké Ball, releasing a huge bull Pokémon.

Gladion gave her a blank stare. "So I should let you come because you have a Tauros?"

"Not just any Tauros! My Tauros, who I raised when I was a kid in Kanto!" she said. A dramatic edge entered her voice. "I found it abandoned by its mother on the side of the road on a trip to the Safari Zone," she said, with Tauros looking sad for extra effect. Moon put the back of her hand to her forehead, leaning against the bull. "Without Tauros, I am nothing! Without me, Tauros would be nothing!" she concluded.

Gladion gave a slow clap. "Wow. Great story."

Moon and Tauros dropped their sad looks. "So can we come?"

Gladion sighed. "If it keeps you quiet then fine." he started walking away.

Moon tackled him into a hug from behind. "Thank you!" she repeated over and over.



Lillie looked into a window full of clothes. "Wow, those dresses are so pretty..."

"Well go in there and buy some!"

"I couldn't do that! I could never pull off that style..."

"Yes you could!"

"No I can't!"

Ash and Lillie were standing in front of a clothing store in the Melemele Mall, with Ash trying to convince her to go through with shopping. As usual, Lillie was afraid of the outcome.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Ash told her.


There was that word again. The concept that ruled her life. A sad frown crossed her face. She slid down the window of the store and sat on the ground, her face in her arms.

"Lillie? What's-"

"I'm afraid of anything." Lillie interrupted bluntly. "I can't do anything. I feel so weak..." she began to sob. "I can't even touch other people's Pokémon..."

Ash had a determined look on his face. This was his chance to help her. "I'll help you."

Lillie looked up and wiped a tear from her face. "What?"

"I'll help you conquer your fear of Pokémon. Maybe if we deal with that first, you'll gain your confidence in other things."

Shiron's bright blue eyes appeared in Lillie's mind. She wanted to get stronger for Shiron so it be strong too.

"Thank you Ash!" she said, getting up.

"Don't thank me, I'm your friend, of course I'll help!"

Lillie had the sudden desire to hug him, but Pikachu beat Ash to it. The yellow Pokémon realized its mistake and gave a horrified look.


Talking to mall security to explain the situation wasn't fun for the two teens.


A man in a white outfit knocked on the door of an expensive and even whiter mansion. A woman with long blonde hair answered. "Yes, Faba?"

"Madame President, it will not be long until Gladion is found. We are making progress, I assure you."

"Is that all?" the woman snapped. "I expect updates to have a little bit more information."

Faba looked taken aback as the door was slammed on him.

The woman sighed as she made her way further into the mansion. As she reached her bedroom, she flipped a switch, revealing a teleportation pad behind a mirror. She stepped on the pad.


She was now in a large room, with a desk of expensive and futuristic looking technology upon it. The walls around her were decorated with ice blocks of frozen Pokémon, petrified and at the mercy of her and her only.

The kids would never understand. All I want is a perfect world for them and I. Just like these Pokémon. Perfect, and forever perfect in ice. she thought.

Type: Null...the one thing I need to get closer to my dearest Ultra Beasts. My Nihilego...

I need that Pokémon back. Even if it means sacrificing Gladion.


Hello readers! My, things are getting pretty edgy, aren't they?

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.

Fear - An Aureliashipping and Lonashipping StoryWhere stories live. Discover now