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"Ms. Lillie? Breakfast is ready!" Hobbes called for the third time, confused.

It was Monday morning. Lillie was unusually slow in getting ready for school. Not a sound came from her room. Hobbes was reassured when he heard the familiar footsteps from Lillie and Shiron behind him as he finished preparing breakfast.

"Ah, there you are. I advise you to hurry as you don't want to be- OH GOOD HEAVENS!" Hobbes exclaimed as he turned around to face the two.

Next to Lillie stood a majestic white Pokémon. It's beautiful white hair and fur complemented the fluffy tails it wore at its rear. Lillie smiled. "Good morning Hobbes."

"Is that Shiron?" the butler asked. Lillie nodded. "Yes it is. We both decided the time was right for her to evolve."

"My, that's wonderful! Please, take a seat and have breakfast." Hobbes congratulated her. Lillie and Shiron sat down to eat. The Ninetails gave a happy cry as it no longer had to reach with its hind paws to get its food at the table. "You seem to be adjusting to your new form well." Lillie remarked. Shiron gave an elegant nod. The two continued their meal in silence.

It was time to leave soon after. Lillie and Shiron left in the limousine as usual, and they made their way towards school.


Gladion blinked his eyes open. He was surprised he got any sleep at all last night. He rubbed his eyes and got up, noticing that Moon was still sound asleep. The events from the last night flashed in his mind, making him feel the need to get out of the room, the air suddenly choking him. Changing his clothes in the bathroom in case Moon woke up, he walked outside the room and out of the Pokémon Center for a walk.

"Hey you!" a high pitched voice called to Gladion.

Gladion turned to find the girl with the Fletchling that he saw yesterday. "Hm?"

"You're the jerk I saw yesterday with that girl!"

"Jerk?!" Gladion snarled. The nerve of people these days. It seemed like everyone went out of their way to annoy him at this point. People sucked. "You have a pretty big mouth on you." Gladion continued, rage seeping into his voice.

"Shut up meanie! You rejected that girl yesterday!" the girl pouted at him.

Gladion's anger turned into confusion. "Rejected? What are you on-"

"Arceus, how dumb are you? Don't people know what kisses are these days? Screw you, edgelord." the obnoxious girl scolded Gladion.

"You're the dummy you-" Gladion froze in realization. A vision sprung in his mind of what the little girl must have seen yesterday after the argument.

He saw himself and Moon from the window of the Pokémon Center. The soft and dreamy look in her eyes was noticeable even from there. As he found himself walking outside, making the door make a "ding" noise, he sees himself turns his head and Moon begins to lean up, and hee began to walk to the door.

Moon blinks open her eyes in confusion as she can't feel Gladion's lips on hers. She looks around to see him walk away, and sadness instantly shows on her face.

Gladion was brought back to the present.

Moon had tried to kiss him yesterday.

And she thinks he rejected her on purpose.

The whole memory of the incident brought a bright red blush to his face, a mixture of embarrassment and utter fear. The girl smirked at him. "I think you're in troubleeeeeeeeee!"

Karen, Ethan, and Natasha stepped off a boat and onto Ula'Ula island, the nearest island with civilization. Karen looked to the other teens. "What now...?"

Ethan turned around with a detective hat on his head. "I say we buy new clothes!"

"Why?" the two girls asked him.

"You know how Nurse Joy and all of those people knew we were part of Aether from our clothes? Well, we change them and we are harder to spot. We'll have Gladion in no time."

Natasha nodded. Ethan's plan made sense for once. "Alright then, let's-"

"Yo, did you fools just say Gladion?"

The three teens spun around to come face-to-face with a man and a woman. They each wore distinct skull caps that matched with their black shirts and white shorts. "I only know one guy with a weird name like Gladion. You know where he is?" the man asked.

"W-why do you want to know?" Karen asked. "Never mind that, give us the deets. We need to find him, ya dig?" the woman said.

Natasha pushed her way to stand right in front of her. "Not a chance. We need to find him for the Aether Foundation, and we don't intend to let the President down."

"Aw, you want to bring the baby home," the man sneered. "Well, Team Skull don't take nothin' from nobody!"

All five trainers reached for their Poké Balls, and the battle commenced.

Hi again, Royalty here! So sorry the chapter took so long. I've been studying for the SAT which I may or may not take this weekend (register ahead of time kids).

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and make sure to vote, comment, and follow.

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