-Conquered: The Finale-

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The ground began shaking, and an electric feel took hold of the air. The force of the machine blasted a gust of wind, stunning everyone in the room. "Lusamine, it's working!" Faba said, dropping formalities in his excitement. "These results are as exactly as we predicted!"

Ash groggily got up from the floor. "You need to stop! You don't realize what you're going to do the Alola region!

"Quiet, boy, I will not be lectured by a mere child on the wonders of science." Faba commanded.

Another shockwave rattled the room as the machine got more and more powerful.


The fight in the lobby of Aether Paradise was raging on. It was looking to be a stalemate. Everyone was getting tired, but a sudden tremor brought back their energy and stopped the battle in its tracks. "Ay, what gives?" Guzma said, looking at Team Skull. They shrugged their shoulders. Jenny ran outside to see what was going on. The sky was the stuff of nightmares: there were various tears in the sky. Ultra Beasts of all kinds were beginning to peek their heads out at the unfamiliar world ahead of them.

"We're too late..." she said.

Everyone else had made their way outside and turned their eyes to the sky in horror. Plumeria was shaking her head. "Arceus, the catwalk model president didn't say nothin' about all of this..." she muttered. The Aether employees were stunned. They thought Faba's calculations were air tight. This is a whole lot more than one portal.

"This is your fault!" Mallow shouted at the two groups of enemies. "What are we going to do now?"

Guzma crossed his arms. "Let me tell ya somethin', we just wanted to get paid, but we never woulda done it if this woulda happened," he explained. "I messed up real bad. But don't ya worry, I'm gonna fix it." he vowed. "Team Skull never runs from fight!"

""Til the morons we call grunts get beaten up by a buncha kids." Plumeria pointed out.

"Shaddup!" Guzma barked back. He turned to the Aether employees. "How do we stop this?"

One of them shook his head. "Madame President never had a contingency plan. It was this way or no way."

Kiawe stepped in. "There's no time to waste, we have to go help our friends in there-"

A chilling cry interrupted him. Everyone turned to see a horde of Ultra Beasts facing them, enraged for being distrubed. One was black and had electrical plugs for limbs, the other was a bug-like creature with ridiculous muscles, and the last one was another bug Pokémon, tall and visually stunning.


Jenny ordered that everyone get ready for battle again. "We have to deal with these things or there won't be anything left to save! The kids are on their own!"


Natasha called out to Gladion. "Gladion, we have to do something now!"

Gladion nodded in response. "Lillie, bring Nebby out now!"

Lillie began frantically unzipping the bag Nebby was in. The Pokémon wandered out with a terrified look in its face. "Okay Nebby, please concentrate! I believe in you!" Lillie said to it.

Nebby gave a nod and closed its eyes, putting all its focus in front of it. It struggled harder and harder until eventually there was a flash...but all it did was teleport a few feet in front of where it was. Ethan shook his head. "Again!"

The Pokémon tried over and over, but all it could do was teleport to random places. It was hopeless. There was nothing it could do.

Despite the chaos going on around them, Lusamine had a bored look on her face as she watched the kids flounder. "Faba, why isn't my Pokémon here yet?"

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