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whoa an update when people are actually awake

top ten anime plot twists


"Tails..." Shiron groaned in pain. Lillie frantically began applying potions to her fur. "Shush, Shiron. It will be alright" she said, trying to convince herself more than she was trying to reassure the fox Pokémon.

The battle had raged for well over twenty minutes. All of the Team Skull Grunts were quickly defeated and sent off running. That didn't save Shiron from getting hit by a barrage of Flame Bursts from multiple Salandit, however. Many of the students' Pokémon had also fainted, leaving everyone exhausted. The only opponents that remained were the Aether agents, and they were in no hurry to leave.


Lillie flinched back as an explosion went off a few yards in front of her. Gladion's Crobat had launched itself in front of a powerful Hydro Pump from Ethan's Feraligatr to protect Lillie as she healed her Pokémon.

"Crobat!" Gladion cried out as it collapsed to the floor. Ethan took a step forward. "This is our chance! "Let's get him!"

Karen nodded obediently and began to rush towards Gladion, Ethan and Feraligatr right by her side. Ash and Kiawe jumped in front of Gladion and Lillie. "No way you're taking him!" Ash declared. Kiawe stuck out his left fist, showing off the Z-Ring wrapped around his wrist. "It's time to end this madness!"

Pikachu and Turtonator, the only ones left standing, rushed forward as Ash and Kiawe began their Z-Poses, the power darkening the light around them.

"It's coming, brace yourselves!" Ethan said. "Then we'll be able to-"

"Ethan? Karen?" Natasha quietly asked.

"What now?"

"Is this really what we want?"

Karen and Ethan completely turned around, oblivious to the slow-paced charging up of the Z-Moves. "What do you mean?"

"That one Grunt... what he said... you don't think that Gladion might have a good reason to run? All he wanted to do was get stronger."

Karen thoughtfully nodded. "I don't know what's so wrong with President Lusamine, but if Gladion had to run away..."

The three stood in silence. Finally Ethan spoke up. "Maybe we should let him-"

"Inferno Overdrive!"

"Gigavolt Havoc!"

Pikachu and Turtonator each launched a powerful Z-Move at the group. The three agents and their Pokémon stood still in utter terror as the attacks made contact. All of them were launched into the air, screaming until they became a sparkle in the sky.


A trio of a man, a woman, and a cat Pokémon sat outside an ice cream shop, each munching down on cones of different flavors. Suddenly, they heard screams and looked up to see a sparkle flying through the sky.

"Whoa! Did you see that?!" the cat asked the couple.

"It appears that someone has been sent blasting off, wouldn't you say Jessie?" the blue-haired man asked.

"That looks about right, James," the pink-haired woman replied, staring up at the sky. "How comforting to know that we're not the only ones that get launched into the air."

The trio let out a contented sigh as they got back to their ice cream.


Everyone was left breathing heavily. It was over, for now at least. Lillie looked up from Shiron and stared around the school campus. Scorched buildings and random debris littered the ground around them. The river that cut through the school was tainted with the poison of multiple Sludge Bombs and ash from countless Fire-type attacks. Tears stained her eyes as she laid her eyes on Gladion, surrounded by all of the destruction. What had her brother gotten himself into?

A hand in front of her face blocked Gladion from view. Lillie looked up to see Ash offering her a hand up, a smile on his dirt-stained face. She quickly got up and faced him. "Are you okay?" Ash asked her.

Lillie opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. All she did was give a sob and wrap her arms around the boy. Ash hugged back and held her as she continued to cry. "It's okay Lillie..." was all Ash could think to say. He couldn't imagine what could be going through her mind with all of the secrets and destruction that presented itself to them.

Professor Kukui and Principal Oak also stood quietly as they observed the damage. Lana walked up to them. "We're sorry about the school..."

Kukui shook his head. "You shouldn't be. You're all safe. That's the most important thing right now. Buildings can always be rebuilt."

"School will have to be closed," Samson said, for once not using a Pokémon pun. "It's for obvious reasons, but damage aside, we need to figure out what exactly is going on."

Mallow turned to look at Gladion, who was currently staring at Lillie hugging Ash, a protective glare in his eye. "I think the only one who can tell us that is standing right there."

Moon walked up right next to Mallow and also stared quietly at Gladion. Mallow's focus then turned toward Lillie. "She never told me any of this. I thought she was so open and honest. You think you know people..."

Moon's eyes never left Gladion's face. Even though he was standing still, his blonde hair stained with smoke, all she could see was the presence of Team Skull in his aura. "Yeah," she said quietly. "You think you know people."

Gladion noticed the two girls staring at him, but he only stared back at Moon. After a few moments, he walked over to her.

Moon took a deep breath. "You never told me-"

"Because it wasn't important," Gladion interrupted her obvious statement. "I haven't been with them for a long, long time."

Ash and Lillie were listening to the conversation quietly. "I don't like where this is going..." Ash muttered to himself.

"How could you join those thugs?" Moon asked. "They pick fights and try to steal people's Pokémon! They even took over Poe Town and drove its residents out a few years ago! Why on earth would you want to be a part of that?!"

"Say it."


"I can read you like a book: I know what you're thinking, so do it. Say that I'm evil. I dare you." Gladion replied coldly. Moon was left speechless.

Lillie pulled herself away from Ash. "That's enough," she said, stepping between the two of them. "This isn't important right now." she grabbed Gladion's arm and pulled him away from Moon.

Mallow put her hand on Moon's shoulder. "You shouldn't just give up on him because of this."

Moon sighed. "Is it that obvious?"

Mallow gave a small smile, trying to lighten up the mood. "Listen...I'm upset at Lillie for not telling me about her brother...or what problems they had at home. She's one of my best friends and I thought we shared anything. I'm not going to abandon her now."

Moon stared after Gladion, who was now talking with Ash and Lillie. "You're right. I'm sure there's an explanation." she said, wiping away a tear.

Professor Kukui then called everyone together. Once everyone was quiet and in a big group, Gladion stood at the front. He looked from Lillie to Moon before speaking. "I have some explaining to do."

You have no idea. Lillie and Moon thought to themselves.


Wowzers my edge meter is off the charts.

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter.

You might have noticed a new cover for this book. Unless people really like it, it's supposed to be temporary until I have more time to make a better edit, so let me know what you think about it.

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