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The limousine gently slowed to a stop in front of the Pokémon School. Lillie hopped out of the door and skipped to the front, really excited about the day ahead of her. She was anxious to show her friends the newly-evolved Ninetails, and her face warmed at the praise she expected to get from Ash.

She waved goodbye to Hobbes and walked to the classroom. Once inside, she found all of her friends talking amongst each other.

"Alola everyone!" she greeted the group with a smile. "Well, someone's happy," Sophocles remarked. "Did you get your hat restitched again?"

Lillie pouted. Sometimes she wondered if Sophocles knew if there was more to her than the shy and reserved girl in the corner of the room...but yes, a restitched hat did make her happy. "No, I have a surprise for you!"

The pale girl reached into her bag to pull out a Poké Ball, and released Shiron. The majestic Alolan Ninetails stretched with a satisfied cry.

"Wow! Is that Shiron?" Ash asked excitedly. "No, Lillie got a Ninetails to replace her." Lana cheekily said. "Really?" Sophocles asked the blue-haired girl, leaving Mallow to smack him on the back of the head. "Dummy!"

"Congratulations, Lillie," Kiawe said to her. Lillie gave a nod. "Thanks." she replied, wishing it was Ash giving her the attention instead. Ash was busy crouching by Shiron and examining it. "Hi Shiron!" Ash said, starting to pet her fur back and forth.

Shiron walked away from Ash to the corner of the room, leaving the teens confused. Shiron usually liked being petted. The group watched as Shiron quickly went to work on grooming her fur with her tongue, smoothening the ruffled fur Ash had left.

"Ah, it looks like Shiron really cares about her fur," Kiawe remarked. "Why shouldn't she? She was a beautiful coat."

"Some Pokémon may experience a change in personality after evolution." Kukui said, walking into the room. The group turned to watch as he walked over and kneeled to sit beside Shiron. "But I think this is more of a sign of maturity rather than a personality change. Ninetails are very proud Pokémon." he concluded, beginning to pet her softly in one direction. Shiron responded positively with a happy cry.

Lillie was busy taking mental notes. She never expected Shiron to become so elegant and professional as she now was. She was happy with her wise Pokémon, but put off by the pickiness Shiron had with the way she was petted: she had her own little uneasiness with touch.

She takes just after her trainer. a voice in the back of her mind said. Lillie sighed.

"You did a very good job raising her Lillie. Now, on with the lesson...." Kukui continued, class now in session.


Hobbes arrived back at the house, ready for the work of the day. He walked through the front door and turned to close it. When he turned back around, he jumped back in shock, his back hitting the door.

Standing in front of him were Gladion and an unfamiliar girl. Both said nothing as they simply waited for Hobbes to gather his words.

"Gladion...? How....why?-"

Gladion flicked his wrist. "Yeah, yeah. Long time no see, Hobbes. How's Lillie doing?"

That's Gladion alright. Hobbes thought. "She is doing quite alright." he answered. He turned his attention to the girl next to him. "Who might this be?"

"My name is Moon," the girl replied. "I've been traveling with Gladion."

"Well, I would say you have done well in choosing a girl, Mr. Gladion-"

Gladion put his hand to his head in frustration and Moon looked away in discomfort, blushes covering their faces. Hobbes looked between the two, surprised by the tension he saw there. He cleared his throat. "Are you here to stay, Mr. Gladion?"

"Are you going to snitch?" Gladion asked coldly. The standoff between the boy and the old man seemed to intensify by the second, the lack of light from a flipped switch only adding to the tension. After a few seconds of silence, Hobbes walked to the kitchen and poured a few glasses of water. He walked back over to the teens and motioned for them to take a seat on the couch.

Everyone sat down, the two teens facing Hobbes across the table in front of them. Hobbes took one of the glasses and sat back on the cushion.

"So tell me...how did you two manage to get in?"


Karen, Natasha, and Ethan walked out of the boutique, each of them with new clothes.

Natasha was wearing a black shirt that matched a pair of black runners on her feet. She finished off the look with a pair of comfortable jeans.

Karen was wearing a pair of black shorts was complimented black long socks that stretched along her legs. She wore a gray sweatshirt with a design of pink and white diamonds alternating between black stitching.

Ethan wore a red jacket with black shorts. A backwards black-and-yellow-hat covered his blue hair, and he was quick to buy the red-and-white sneakers the store offered. Once outside, the agents looked at each other.

"Wow, look at us! You could never tell we were Aether agents!" Natasha said. "Your sweater is so cute!" she complimented Karen. Karen nodded shyly, feeling a bit self-conscious with the attention to her appearance. "Thanks, you look great too."

Ethan suddenly turned his head. "Shh!" he whispered. The two girls fell silent as Ethan led them behind the store to the adjacent street behind it.

They pressed their backs against the wall and listened carefully. "Ugh, I can't believe we lost to those fools!" a voice complained.

"It's the Team Skull grunts!" Karen whispered anxiously. Natasha shushed her gently as they continued to listen.

"Shake it off," the female grunt told her partner. "We have a bigger prize to get. One of our retired homies just phoned the boss. He saw Gladion and some random girl walk by on Melemele Island!"

"Really? Well what are we doing here? Move it woman!" he yelled as he ran for the docks to catch a boat. "Hey, wait up, fool!" she screamed after him.

The three agents turned to each other. "Well that was easy." Ethan said. "It won't be long now."

Time for some conflict!


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