Chapter Two

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☆ In which you press onwards in the name of friendship. 

The one fundamental fact of life, is that people get used to things. Familiarity leads to fondness, and fondness leads to whatever outcome you're trying to maneuver out of the situation.

This is how people learn to accept horrible haircuts.

You tell yourself this as you make your way back up to the roof the next night, hoping to find Chishiya there once again while your mind is not dysfunctional from lack of sleep.

However, you only find yourself disappointed as you face the empty expanse of the rooftop, alone except for the sugar-grain stars and the syrupy black sky. Deciding not to waste a perfectly peaceful roof experience, you flop down on the edge of the roof and lean back against your arms.

It really is a beautiful night. You love how the city sparkles beyond the Beach, highlighted by neon lights from the various signs of Tokyo game sites.

"Oh, it's you again."

Your head snaps around, and you find Chishiya standing by the entrance door. He does not look pleased to see you, nor does his tone of voice indicate otherwise.

"Jesus, you scared me." You breathe out.

"Don't tell me you were looking for me again." Despite his unwelcoming opening speech, he moves to sit beside you.

"I was." You reply.

It's difficult to look directly at Chishiya. The man seems to reflect light, and the soft neons of pink and blue dance across his face and fill his eyes. His hair lifts slightly in the gentle breeze and his lips move into what seems to be his signature smirk.


You let a beat of silence break the conversation before answering.

"I want a friend," you say simply. 

Chishiya scoffs, and you smile.

"It's true! You may be weirdly pretty, but who says I can't have pretty friends?" 

The response that comes back is not unexpected. "I don't want to be your friend."

You shrug.

"Everyone wants friends, even if they don't think they do. It's human nature." You turn your head towards him, and tilt it slightly. "You can't tell me that you don't get lonely sometimes."

"I don't."

"Then that's a lie!"

Chishiya exhales what could've been a laugh.

"Then why me? If you're so lonely, pick another person to be your friend. Don't bother me just because you're under the impression I'm pathetic enough to need company all the time."

You hum, and look back at the city. "But that's exactly what I mean! People who have no friends turn out like you." 

You're grinning now, and you hold out your hand.

"Let's be friends." You indicate your hand for a handshake, to cement this beautiful new friendship that is about to blossom.

Chishiya does not take it. 


"Come on!"


"Let's be friendsss."

"Go away."

"What about acquaintances?"


"Not even acquaintances?" You poke his cheek playfully.

This turns out to be a wrong move. 

Chishiya's hand locks in a viper-like grip on your wrist and even the beating of your heart can't dissuade you from the fact that it hurts something horrendous. His eyes are cold, and the neon lights have fled as he glares at you. 

"Stop," he warns. 

"Ah, too soon?" You try to pull out from his grasp. "Okay, okay - oow, that hurts - let go - I'll be back tomorrow!" 

You squirm out of his deathhold and run for the stairs.

"Like hell you will," he mutters.

"Like hell I will!"

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