Chapter Six

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☆ In which three people eavesdrop from under an umbrella, and one of them is you. 

You watch from across the pool as a man and a woman are engaged in a heated argument and take note of their body language. This is your favourite game to play - no physical exertion and no one will attempt to kill you (or at least you hope not). 

From where you sit shaded under a plastic umbrella, you can see spit fly from the man's mouth as he yells. You're somewhat impressed with the opaque qualities of this man's saliva, but mostly disgusted. You wrinkle your nose as he obsessively runs his hands through his hair. His mouth shapes around the words, "you bitch," and your eyes slide to the woman next to him. She has her arms crossed tightly and she scrapes the heel of her sandal backwards. "You're a cheat and a liar," rings the woman's voice clearly across the pool area. 

Your eyebrows shoot up.

At the man's hushed response her hands curl into fists beneath her arms, and by the look of wide-eyed fury she has on, it would be advisable for the man to move out of hitting range (or at the very least, cover his jawline). 

"It's quite the soap opera, isn't it?" A silky voice comments from behind. 

Chishiya has appeared out of thin air into the space beside you, with Kuina in tow. You smile in welcome. 

"Hello there, amigo." You watch as Kuina slides into the plastic beach chair next to yours and how Chishiya remains standing, leaning forward enough so the tips of his soft blond hair tickle the top of your own head. At this his familiar smirk does not disappear, but he squints in response at the idea of him being someone's 'amigo.' 

Kuina has no such qualms, and laughs unrestrained. 

"Chishiya isn't the only amigo, right? I'd better be included too, honey." She slaps his back and he brushes her off, unimpressed. You laugh and she grins conspirationally back. 

Kuina turns her attention back to the couple's spat and sighs. "I hope Kiko doesn't kill the man." She indicates the woman, who is now trying to batter the living daylights out of the man as he cowers under a pool ring. Chishiya chuckles and places a hand on the back of your chair.

"It sure doesn't look unlikely," he remarks as the display of righteous violence continues. "Ah, would you look at that." His gaze shifts and you follow it, your eyes falling upon a girl standing a way away from the drama. Another piece of the puzzle slots in as you watch her chew her lip nervously, one leg behind her as if she's already prepared to make a run for it. 

"If that's the case, she'd be better off not sticking around." You state the obvious and glance back at Kiko, who probably wouldn't hesitate to clock the girl her boyfriend cheated on her with as well. Chishiya hums in agreement while Kuina, a couple beats behind, finally notices the other girl trembling in the background.

"Haruhi!" she gasps, scandalised. You giggle at her reaction. Kuina seems to be familiar with everyone in this place, and this comes in handy at times like these. 

Chishiya, however, straightens up, already bored of the situation at hand. "It seems the performance has come to an end." He eyes Kiko as the man cowers on his knees, begging for forgiveness. "I'll be off, then," he says quietly, and takes his hand off your chair. 

"Hey, not so fast! Where are you going, my dear treasured person?" You turn to ask with a grin. Chishiya is already in motion, moving away from your huddle under the umbrella. 

"I have a game to play," he replies listlessly.

"Oh, is that so?" You reach out to stop him from walking away. "Here, give me your hand."

He raises an eyebrow. "What for?"

"Just give me your hand." 

Eager to get away, he places his hand in your outstretched palm with a sigh. His hand is warm in your grasp, and his Beach locker key rests against the underside of your wrist. You clasp it with both hands and the arch in his brow moves higher. "Good luck!" You beam at him. "May the odds be ever in your favour." 

Kuina looks on in amusement as you release Chishiya from your grasp. He says nothing, like usual, but gives you the unmistakable look of judgmental inquiry. "It's my duty as a friend to give you a proper farewell," you explain with a stupid grin. The man huffs a laugh, and he glows with the soft golden sunlight at his back. 

"Alright, as long as I have no duty to do that myself." The ever-present snarky comment is back, and Chishiya lifts his hand in a wave as he evaporates into the crowd. 

"He thinks he's cool," Kuina says with a snort. She looks back at you. "Want something to drink?"

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