Author's Note

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In which I say how much I love and appreciate you all, and get a bit sentimental also. 

To all my lovely readers who have made it this far - thank you, thank you, thank you! I have so much gratitude towards you wonderful people for sticking with me as I wrote this story, and it's because of all of you that I enjoyed writing Friends with Benefits so much. 

Apologies in advance for rambling! 

I'd actually planned out this note in my head some time before I had even begun to write the last chapter, but now that I'm actually writing it down it feels so surreal. I can't believe it's been about 7 months (?) since I published the first chapter! I've been writing this story for half a year!

It makes me so unexpectedly sad that I won't be writing the little subheadings at the start of each chapter or planning new moments between the MC and Chishiya anymore, and anticipating your reactions to them - I was so invested in writing this book that I can hardly believe that it's over myself. I hope I was able to evoke some kind of emotion from you through this story, whether it be joy or sadness, anything! I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Which leads me into the next part of my thank-you! For everyone who took a little time to comment or vote on each of my chapters or even just read Friends with Benefits all the way through, I love you all so much! You're all angels. I absolutely loved reading the comments on each chapter, they made me smile endlessly. 

I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that I said a little thank you whenever I got a notification from any of you, so if you heard someone whispering their gratitude as you went about your day after reading, that was probably me! Sorry about that, by the way.   

Concerning a second book! Since the book would follow along the second stage of the Borderlands, I would like to wait for the second season of Alice in Borderland to come out before I make any final decisions - which means the earliest the next book would come out would probably be early next year. I do want to follow our MC and Chishiya into the Borderlands a little further just yet, and so I hope that you wouldn't mind waiting if you want to stick around for that. 

I will post updates on that if I have made any decisions about a book 2 before then, either on here or on my homepage, so look out for those! 

About other works of writing with our dear MC and also equally dear Chishiya, I have been planning a oneshot book, so I can fill the space between now and the next season of Alice. They will be unrelated to Friends with Benefits, just little oneshots for you to enjoy. I won't lie to you, I'm very excited about it (not sure why), and it should go up in the next week or so! (A little update - it's out now if you'd like to read it!) So I hope you look out for that too. I would love it if you had any requests for that too, and feel free to send them to me wherever! My homepage and PM welcome you, as well as my very lonely Tumblr account. I would love to hear any ideas from you guys!

I would so hate to never see any of you wonderful readers again, so if you'd like to I would be so happy if you stuck around for any of my future works! Ah, and if you have any questions about this book in particular, feel free to ask! Again, you are all amazing, and thank you so much for making Friends with Benefits possible. 

And in reference to Friends with Benefits, I hope your nights will always be as full of moonlight and stars as our MC's was! Sadly there aren't any stars out where I am as I write this, so I hope there is one in each of your windows tonight as you read this! 

Lots of love,

☆ Pocky 

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