Chapter Nineteen

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In which you have to wonder whether the condition of your arm should be considered more important than the observation of a rather wiggly item. 

You wince as you make your way through the hotel corridors, on the hunt for a medical kit or maybe just a plaster. You gingerly look down at your left arm; it had just healed from the Seven of Spades game, but now drips blood once again. You silently curse the whole Niragi bloodline as you walk - the militant with the odd habit of sticking his tongue out every second just had to stroll down the corridor at the same time as you, whistling an eerie tune with his rifle slung across his back. As a Diamonds player, Niragi does an excellent job of hiding the fact that he does indeed have a functioning brain. The man seemed to think it was his God-given responsibility to harass anyone within a three-metre radius, and so you had dove for cover before he could spot you.

Unfortunately, while escaping one bother, you had created another. You had scraped your arm on some unknown (but sharp) object in the process, and the medical kit in your room had mysteriously disappeared; hence your current Medical Kit Adventure. 

A metallic glint hidden in the fronds of a potted plant catches your attention. 

You hesitate, dithering where you stand. Sure, it would be weird for someone to have hidden a medical kit in a potted plant, but to be honest there are much weirder things in the Beach than someone's possible Secret Plant Medical Kit that you could save your concern for. 

As you warily approach the plant of secrecy, a familiar voice floats from a nearby door.

"That's unethical!" The voice protests, riddled with righteous indignance. 

You blink. Is that...Kuina?

"Who are you to tell me about ethics?" a bored voice replies. 

Your eyes dart around, locating the door where the conversation is coming from. The door is in a rather obscure place, and with that realisation you find that this whole corridor is actually quite obscure. Tiptoeing towards the door, you press your ear against the wall, the glint in the plant already forgotten.

"You know I'm right," Kuina argues. 

"What difference does it make if you're right?" the other voice says smoothly. You can almost hear an eyebrow raise. 

Definitely Chishiya.

"For Heaven's sake, Chishiya, I'm not blind." Kuina huffs. "Do you think my eyes stop working every time you guys start holding hands?"

Taken aback, you gently place your hand on the wall, as if it would amplify the sound. 

Is this about me? 

As narcissistic as the thought is, you've never seen Chishiya hold anyone's hand but your own, unless he is carrying out hidden hand-holding escapades without your knowledge.  

Sounding irritated, Chishiya exhales sharply. "Please do speak a little louder, Kuina,  I think there's someone in Italy who didn't quite catch that." 

"There's no need to be such a smartass." Kuina snips back. 

Chishiya sighs, and there is the sound of an object being set down on a table. "Let's talk about this later."

Another object is put down, but rather loudly this time. "I still think you should tell her," Kuina said stubbornly, but in a more hushed voice. "Aren't you friends, at least?"

Chishiya snorts. "I don't owe anything to anyone."

You roll your eyes on the other side of the door. 

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