Chapter Thirty-Two

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In which there is sunlight, and Chishiya. 

You watch as Chishiya examines a silver keypad, explaining something to Kuina as he begins to key in a code. 

You catch a snippet of his commentary as he deliberates over the two and five keys; you find you aren't exactly listening to what he is saying, although the low hum of his voice is pleasant to hear. Kuina catches your eye from where she is stationed beside him and makes a face. You press a hand to your mouth to suppress a laugh. 

Chishiya most definitely catches the entire exchange, and ignores the both of you.

The keypad is worn and rusted, and buzzes when the blonde presses the last number. He watches in satisfaction as the metal door clicks, and pushes through it without another word. Kuina ducks through it next. 

You press your hand along the cold metal as you follow after them.

A little earlier, the sun was bright and you had arrived at Shibuya station, with its sprawling array of train circuits and the promise of a nice café a little further into the district. You had been charmed once you'd recognised the landmarks of Shibuya, looking delightedly at Chishiya, but judging by the slight shake of his head it seemed you were not here on a leisurely visit. But even that could not dissuade you from smiling, because of the golden sunlight sinking into your skin and the equally golden man beside you, looking at you in amusement. 

"What are you so happy about?" He'd asked, sending you his signature smirk, before turning back to the maps. His eyes had traced along a coloured line leading from Shibuya on one of the station maps, although at the time you didn't know which route he was looking for.

"Ah, that's a secret!" You'd replied, grinning widely, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He'd snorted and pushed you away, but didn't protest when you reached for his hand shortly after (in fact, he'd practically offered it up to you). 

A few steps to the side, Kuina had peered rather intensely at an advertisement for Zero-Pulp Orange Juice, clearing her throat loudly.

You had been surprised when the three of you stopped at another station - the Minami-Aoyama station, after walking about an hour from the Shibuya station to Minato City. Unfortunately, asking either Chishiya or Kuina where you were headed had slipped your mind; a fatal error, admittedly, but you felt far too backed into the Corner of Past The Point of No Return to begin asking about the purpose of their destination. So you walked down the treacherous steps into the darkness of the station, trying not to look like you were brainstorming subtle hints you could drop that would reveal why they had brought you there. 

Inside the station Chishiya draws a square piece of paper from his pocket, holding it up to the centerpiece train map. You'd squinted at it, barely able to make it out in the dark; the paper was crumpled and penned with spidery lines that looked, to you, like complete nonsense. Chishiya nodded and began to fold the paper again; you swallowed your pride and shot a what is going on glance at Kuina. She'd simply shrugged in response and mouthed an apology: Sorry, he never tells me anything either. 

You had sighed, and Kuina had grinned as she silently proclaimed your status as a Comrade Out of the Know.  

She ceases pretending to knight you just a second too late and Chishiya stares at the two of you in a moment of incredulous silence, unimpressed, before turning back around and flipping a hand in a get moving gesture. 

It was Kuina's turn to sigh then, and you had allowed yourself a quiet laugh. 

Now, the three of you traipse along the corridor behind the metal door with the keypad, long and winding and pitch black. You find Chishiya's arm in the dark and tap his wrist, to which he responds by wrapping his hand around yours. 

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