Chapter Twenty-Five

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In which post-it notes are slightly involved. 

The first thing you see when you make it back to your room is the moon, softly bright behind the final fading layer of daylight. 

The second is the lack of space on your mirror. 

Your breath catches in your throat. There is yet another post-it waiting for you on your dressing-table mirror, blue in colour. You are almost afraid to draw closer; the sense of apprehension causes your heart to pound unnaturally fast. When the note is in your hands, translucent blue paper beneath your fingers, you inhale sharply in recognition of the handwriting. 

Thank you, written in doctor's scrawl.

"Chishiya, look!" You flash your wrist, where colourful beads smile against colourful thread. You are aware of how you are beaming - the notion of wearing a friendship bracelet at the ripe age of your early twenties in some kind of Death Land has a glaring sense of ironic charm. The beads that collect like those of an abacus on either side of the bracelet's thread as you move your wrist from side to side were undeniably cheerful. 

Plus, it was sunny. Perfect friendship weather. 

Chishiya looks up from where he sits cross-legged on your bedroom floor, closing the novel in his lap with a careful movement. Recently he and Kuina had been treating your room like a personal clubhouse, walking in uninvited and promptly rooting themselves there for the next couple of hours. You didn't mind (to be honest, you loved it), but you nudge the blonde with your foot playfully before coming to sit beside him. Flecks of sunlight freckle the right side of his face and warm his eyes. "Exactly what am I meant to be looking at?" 

"Friendship bracelet," you sing, jingling the beads on your wrist once more before decanting an abundance of beads and twists of thread in the space in front of you. You send him a bright grin, and he eyes you warily. "Kuina found a whole pile of beads and thread somewhere. Do you want me to make one for you?" 

"I'm not really-" he flicks his eyes from the beads to your face edgily, "-in the business of wearing friendship bracelets, no."

"Then we'll just have to change that, hm?" You say teasingly, already reaching for the thread. Chishiya sighs as you take his wrist and experimentally measure out lengths of blue and white. 

"I didn't really have a choice, did I?" He mutters, watching as you sort through beads. You laugh and shake your head.

"No, you didn't," you say with a smile, "but had Kuina been here instead of me, I'm afraid you would already be swimming in bracelets."

Chishiya frowns, although the effect is offset by the amusement dancing in his eyes. "Aren't I lucky." He says, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Did you bring a congratulatory card as well, or is it just the bracelet?"

 "Alright, less of the sass," you respond, rolling your eyes. "Blue, or white?"

He gives a noncommittal shrug. "You pick."

You deliberate, wrapping both colours around his hand. "How about blue then? Mine's blue, too."


"Aww, so we can match." You coo, and giggle at the scowl Chishiya sends you. He attempts to wave his hand in a 'get as far away from me as possible' movement but it is trapped within the ring of thread you have held to his wrist. "Blue it is, my dearest, darling friend."

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