Chapter Twenty-One

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In which you realise that you have never been fully appreciative of handily placed shafts. 

You yawn behind a hand, tapping your head lightly against the wall behind you. Chishiya is currently at yet another executive meeting, so you wait around the corridor for the meeting to finish. What on earth the need to hold meetings about so frequently for was, you had no clue - either there is some matter of utmost urgency happening at the Beach, or the Hatter is enjoying a juicy gossip with the executives (which you highly doubt). By now you have been standing around for what must have been almost an hour, so surely they should be finishing up soon; you stifle a laugh at the thought of Chishiya sitting through hours of insufferable scandal relayed by the Hatter, and hope that he is in as much of a state of boredom as you are right now.  

One friend's misery is a misery shared, you think wearily, and shuffle your heels against the wall.

The music from outside seeps through the hotel walls, something that seems awfully similar to the sound of someone throwing frying pans around a kitchen. Kuina, ever the socialite, can be seen through the glass windows having a leisurely chat with the woman you vaguely remember to be Kiko by the pools. You briefly wonder what has become of the cheating partner she was beating to a pulp the other day, and consider walking outside to survey the situation (read 'pretending not to eavesdrop but you are, in fact, eavesdropping'), when you hear footsteps behind you. 

Still flopped against the wall, you turn your head slightly to see who has appeared. 

Usagi, you recall, from last night's militant struggle; the short-haired woman who seems to come in a pair with the puppy-eyed man Arisu. As she steps into view her footsteps are that of a rabbit's, quiet and soft. 

She eyes you apprehensively, peering over your shoulder down the corridor where the executive meeting is being held. You see her move her hand to lightly touch her forearm and then retract it quickly, as if she has just snapped out of demonic possession. It's the movement one usually makes when they remember they're not supposed to be looking nervous, and the slight gesture tells you everything you need to know about the woman. Spades Player Usagi will most likely live for a long time yet.

It's almost refreshing to see someone so wary of the Beach, instead of jumping mindlessly around to the sound of frying pans. You smile at her in what you hope is a friendly way, and she gives you a stiff nod in return.

With one last glance down the corridor, she hastens away. 

You exhale, leaning back against the wall. If only Usagi had been less on edge, you might've struck up a conversation as riveting as the one Kuina is having outside. Maybe if you run into her again, you might take the initiative to have a nice talk. It wouldn't hurt to make another friend, no matter how much they look like they could murder you with their eyes alone. 

Just as you begin brainstorming all of the topics you and Usagi could mutually enjoy, a door swings open with a loud bang. There is the sound of Niragi being reprimanded ("Door repairmen don't grow on trees, Niragi," a voice says sternly. "Fuck off," comes the response) and that is all you need to know to move out of the way as quickly as possible. 

Luckily, there is a shaft just around the corner which you can hide behind, and so you do exactly that. 

The executives stream past, and you give a sigh of relief as Niragi strides past without a glance in your direction. Ann goes by next, followed by a woman with long black hair. She has lipstick that resembles the colour of blood, as disturbing as that may be, and she smiles at no one in particular as she walks - a strange habit you have not seen many people put into practice. It's distinctly unlike Hatter's flashy grin, who struts an unseen catwalk every time he takes a step outside. 

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