Chapter Eighteen

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In which there is an unexpected quantity of strawberry. 

You are buried deeply in sleep when someone knocks (loudly) on your door. 

You groan when said someone calls your name, rolling over in your bed to block out the morning light seeping through your windows. It is certainly too early for mystery people to be knocking on your door.

"What?" you mumble, fighting your half-asleep state to open your eyes. The door creaks open and when you recognise the blur of blonde in the doorway, you are suddenly wide awake.

"There's cake in the lounge," Chishiya says, ducking his head through the gap in your door. "Kuina said to come tell you." His head disappears and there is a pause before he dips back, blonde hair spilling over his shoulder. "Oh, yeah. You look terrible, by the way." He smirks and slams the door shut before the pillow you blearily throw across the room can meet his face. 

"What did you just say? " You yell indignantly after him. "I just woke up, what did you expect? Blonde bastard," you mutter, rubbing your eyes. You hear a snort from behind the door, indicating the man has not left yet, and vainly smooth down the cowlick in your hair. 

All earlier disputes dissipate at the speed of light when your eyes settle on the cake. It is surely as luscious as the one Kuina's friend was broken up with over, tall and layered with whipping cream and strawberries. Chishiya holds a slice of this magical cake on a plate out to you with a cocky grin, and you take it with an exasperated sigh.

"Am I still a blonde bastard, now?" His eyes glint, and you snort. 

"When are you not a blonde bastard?" Kuina interjects around a mouthful of cake. She holds her hand out for a high five and you slap your palm against hers, taking a seat next to the woman. Chishiya rolls his eyes skyward but joins the table, setting down his plate with a soft clink. 

"How was your game yesterday?" You ask Kuina, trying to scoop the perfect cake-to-strawberry ratio onto your fork.

"It was good," she chews. "It was a Three of Spades. Lucky me, eh?" The dreadlocked woman stabs at her cake sullenly. "It's great that I'm alive right now, don't get me wrong - carpe diem and all that - but I don't want to have to think about playing games so often..." 

You hum in understanding, but knowing Chishiya, he probably has a very convoluted and rather pessimistic response up his sleeve.

True to your expectations, he does come through.

"When you think about it," Chishiya begins, "you essentially escape death every time you clear a game." Kuina groans, waiting for the rest of the pretentious lecture she has no doubt heard many times from the man. "Why not see just how much you can take before you reach your limit? It will not change your future, in the end. No one lives forever." 

"I never took you for the yolo type of person, Chishiya." Kuina presses her cheek into her palm with a sigh. "You can only say that because you have a massive brain." 

"That," Chishiya replies, "is obvious." 

Kuina squints at him and Chishiya ignores her, head tilted towards you and fork raised as if he's about to commandeer a New Age.

"It truly is amazing a person like you exists," you comment as Chishiya pokes his fork in the direction of your cake, indicating he wants some of yours. "You haven't even touched your own plate. Have you no shame?" You push his hand away. "Don't eat my cake, Taro, or I'll eat yours."

"Taro?" Kuina chokes, the strawberry on her fork hitting her plate in disbelief. 

"I told you not to call me that." Chishiya frowns, still trying to get his fork through your defenses. You put your hands up to shield your plate. 

"It suits you," Kuina says, amused. She shoves another forkful of cake into her mouth as Chishiya scowls at her. 

 "What did I tell you?" You say, batting Chishiya's hand away. "Get your fork away from me."

"I thought friends were supposed to share food?" he raises his brows, waving his fork to punctuate his point. Kuina snorts. 

"You really are a terrible person." You say, but reluctantly move your hands away to allow his fork through. "Alright. But you can only take a little bit."

"Yeah, sure," he says, and proceeds to scoop half your cake onto his plate. 

Kuina erupts into laughter as your jaw drops to the floor. "What part of little do you not understand?" You protest, reaching for his plate with your own fork. 

"What? I took only what was necessary." Chishiya shrugs. "I can't help it if that meant the majority of your cake."

After finishing the meagre portion of cake you had been left with you end up eating off of Chishiya's plate, which he had begrudgingly pushed towards you after much cajoling. Kuina has fluttered off to talk to a woman she'd claimed was a good friend of hers; you and Chishiya attempt to eavesdrop. The conversation they are having must be mindblowing, judging by Kuina's very large arm movements accompanied by loud gasps of "No," and, "She didn't!". 

You glance down, taking your eyes away from the enrapturing chat Kuina is enjoying a way away. There is one strawberry left on the plate.

"Do you like strawberries?" You ask Chishiya. His eyes flick back to you.

"If I didn't, would I be eating this cake?" he replies sardonically. 

"Alright, dial back the sass," you sigh. "You can have the strawberry, then."

Ever the gentleman, Chishiya shrugs and puts the strawberry in his mouth. You eye him, disgruntled. "A thank you would've been nice."

"You didn't ask for one," he said.

"It's common decency!" 

"Whatever," he says. He pauses for a moment, as if in thought. "Come here, then."


"Give me your face."

"What do you need my face for?" You grumble, but lean over the table. 

"For this," he says. There is that glint in his eyes again - the one that means he's either about to do something very irritating or very cute - as he puts his thumb under your chin and kisses you over the table. Your eyes widen, resisting the urge to melt under his fingertips but unable to stop the pink from creeping into your face. You can still taste the strawberry on his lips, along with the cascade of stars. 

He pulls away, the corners of his mouth turned up. "Is that enough thanks for you?" he says, looking pleased that you have been rendered speechless for a moment. You can only stare at him blankly until the words find their way back out of your mouth.

"No." You say finally, regaining some of your composure. "Do it again."

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