Chapter Four

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☆ In which a promise is made and the moon is your witness. 

Kuina has her arms wrapped around you during the car ride back to the Beach. You lean into her embrace, grateful for her presence. She asked no questions, just bundled you into a hug and lugged you out of the building.   

The woman is an angel, albeit a very tall one. 

Kuina talks quietly as the car moves, and she tells you about her life before the Borderlands over the rumble of the engine. 

"It's comforting to hear people speak," she says, "you don't have to listen if you don't want to. I used to do this with my mother - I'd hold her hand and tell her anything, and she said it made her happy to know that the world still moved for her daughter."

She pauses for a moment. 

"I'm not your daughter, but background noise is calming nonetheless."

You laugh.  "Kuina, you're the best."

When you return to your room later in the day, you smooth the post-it note over the mirror on your dressing table. The little pink square watches as Kuina pulls you away yet again, clamouring for a round of drinks at the poolside bar. 

"Let's be friends," you repeat stubbornly. 

Chishiya smirks. 

"Back again so soon?" he leans forward, and gives an exasperated sigh. A few strands of his hair spill over his shoulder, framing his face. "You already have a friend now. What do you need me for?"

"That's so lame, Chishiya." You take a few steps over to the blond and take a seat next to him. "Delightful as she is, sending Kuina over to be friends with me instead of you earns you negative friend points."

"We're not even friends. And since when was there a point system?"

"Everything has a point system. Let's be friends then."

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. No."

Chishiya looks away, as if the conversation is over already. 

"You sure know how to shut a person down," you yawn and stretch your arms behind your head. The stone-cold executive of a man beside you says nothing, and you shift your attention towards the view of Tokyo. Tonight the moon hides behind a few wisps of cloud, and the neon lights flicker on and off like a secret code. 

"Tokyo is so pretty at night-"

"What do friends do?"


You're caught off guard. You can feel your eyes grow wide and round, staring at Chishiya in stunned silence. He looks back at you, bored. 

"Did you just say what I thought you said...?"

"Are you going to answer me, or not?" 

"Are you serious?!" Excitedly, your body moves closer to Chishiya of its own accord and you clasp your hands. Your eyes are sparkling and you know it. "Friends do lots of things! So many things..." you untangle your hands to count on your fingers. "They share food, tell each other all their secrets and stuff, they lend each other clothes and they help each other with homework and they do everything together! It's the best. Oh, and with your best make a pinky promise like this-" you hold out your pinky to Chishiya. "And you promise to stay friends forever, no matter what."

Chishiya continues to stare at the glittering buildings in the distance, as if they will divulge to him some incredible secret. "That sounds terrible."

"It's great!"

"Why do you have to share everything? That's called a parasite."

"Don't be jealous, Chishiya."

Chishiya rolls his eyes and waves a hand. "People with attachments are always the first to die. You make stupid commitments to each other and end up worse for it. Where one dies, the other lives the rest of their life with some troublesome burden. Where both die, it's a waste of a life that could've been a useful one." 

He finally looks at you, and his eyes are half-lidded and smug. "It's a lose-lose situation."

You don't say anything and he seems to take this as a victory, leaning back on his palms and causing the white fabric of his hoodie to rustle slightly. 

Seconds stretch into minutes, and it seems like a long time elapses before you eventually give your reply. 

Which is to ignore everything he'd just said. 

"Give me your pinky, Chishiya."


His response is immediate. Chishiya lifts his arms from his leaning position to move away, but you take this opportunity to quickly grab his hand. His eyes flash dangerously and yours gleam, and you intertwine your pinky with his. 

"I pinky promise to always be your friend," you chant your side of the deal, and stare beguilingly right into Chishiya's eyes. "Now you go." 

"No." The look he gives you is homicidal, but you can't help but laugh as you finally let go of his pinky. 

"We're friends now!" you declare triumphantly. 

"What is wrong with you." Chishiya sighs, and he stands up to leave. You grin up at him from the edge of the roof. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, friend!" you call out. You're very much laughing now, and Chishiya flicks his hand in some kind of don't-speak-to-me-ever-again wave as he exits the rooftop. 

Your second friend in the span of a day. You smile at the moon like an idiot, and swing your legs as they dangle over the side of the roof. 

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