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I haven't written fanfiction in months, this is what brings me back to it apparently. I apologize, it lowkey sucks but THATS OKAY! I haven't written at all in months give me a break </3

Third Person POV

Ollie burst out laughing, forcing herself to exhale the smoke, her fingertips ever so slightly numb as she attempted to rub the tingling sensation out of her nose.

The group which had dubbed themselves the 'weed gang' were now scattered throughout Europe, after months together, the distance felt suffocating, but they managed. They always did.

Tommy had flown down a week prior and was still there, making the distance bearable, however the ever shifting support was making Ollie's sense of comfort and control crumble in on itself. Though those thoughts swiftly were clouded from the latter's mind as Iris handed the younger another joint, subconsciously observing her as she took a hit, an almost paranoia persistent to keep the younger safe.

Ollie couldn't complain. The distance only separated them physically, and she refused to allow her complete and total mental stability to rely on another person. Allowing herself to rely on anyone was never her strong suit. Hell, she had spent the past three therapy sessions explaining the plot of a roleplay server she was in. Yeah, dependency wasn't her thing.

Luvena had been a constant, even before they had ever met.

Now after knowing each other for months, it was nice to know her presence lay only a few miles away years before the two ever made contact. Maybe it was naive, but Vee was the closest of the group to her parents. To Olive. The only one who could've possibly accidentally run across any of them.

As stupid as it seems, Ollie clung to the idea that Vee had run into Ollie's parents at the grocery store or on a night long walk. If she had still been around, she had no doubt Olive would be just as desperate to ramble endlessly about the stars to the blonde, never doubting for a second that Vee wouldn't listen.

Maybe, just maybe, as Ollie was telling Luvena old folk stories of the moon, Olive was in another life doing the same.

The blonde was freeing. She infected everyone they met, drawing them in with a soft smile.

So as the girls lay, smoke that they couldn't hold in ghosting the air around them, the soft chatter of their friends only a few feet away from them hanging heavy in the air, maybe, Ollie didn't have to be so contained in herself. If Vee wanted to draw her in with her compelling laugh, and inability to stop caring about everyone's opinions. The way she could get anyone ramble about their entire thought process on just the world and never bat an eye, never losing an ounce of interest the entire way through. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad for Ollie to allow the blonde into her mind.

Everything about her was so enticing, practically begging the brunette to break her walls, allow the messy and the imperfect and everything in between in. The urge for closeness, to mentally and emotionally allow yourself to just talk. With a complete absence of judgment.

For months, Ollie's every waking thought had been consumed by the blissfully unaware girl beside her. But maybe she could allow herself to indulge in her urge. Hell, she was nothing if not impulsive.

"You should get back to Tommy."

The voice beside her broke Ollie from her thoughts, turning her head slightly to see the blonde staring at her from where she lay on the floor, eyes half lidded and a reassuring smile placed on her lips, reminding her this wasn't her way of dismissing the brunette's presence which was always more than welcome.

"Bullshit," the brunette chuckled slightly, her deeper voice warmly contrasting to the other's, "He's right there isn't he?"

"Isn't he," The blonde repeated softly under her breath, more to herself than anyone else. Her head shifted away from Ollie, turning back towards the ceiling, "Nice to know the British haven't consumed your speaking habits as well. We have enough of them with us."

"Do you seriously think Brits just say 'innit' at every waking moment," Ollie chuckled, raising herself to her elbows to maintain eye contact with the girl."

"You tell me," the blonde teased, "You're the one who's on call with Tommy more often than you sleep."

"Okay Ms.I-Have-Cute-And-Wholesome-Picnics," Ollie deadpanned, trying her best to suppress the smirk tugging at her lips, failing to do so as she saw the blond smiling up at her. She seemed to have that effect on people. A comforting aura constantly seemed to radiate from her.

"This was the only place we ever really went," Vee said, slightly nodding towards the house around them. Eunoia. "Maybe I'll take you on a picnic one day. There's this really pretty flower field we found."

"We do have a rather interesting history with flowers," Ollie hummed in agreement, feeling her eyes tug themselves close for a moment. Her eyelashes somehow felt ten times as heavy as she felt the intoxication setting in.

"Holy shit," Vee muttered under her breath, and Ollie could sense the teasing smirk jabbing at her despite her own eyes being closed, "Is the OllieMolly tired? Are we about to witness you actually sleeping?"

"Nah," Ollie hummed, despite the fact she was lowering herself back to the floor, fighting off sleep purely out of spite from the girl's comment, "Sleep? I've never done such a thing. How dare you accuse me Vee."

"My apologies," the blonde hummed, closing her own eyes as well, moving over slightly as to rest her head on the brunette's shoulder.

"Floors uncomfy," Vee muttered into the other girl's neck, as Ollie's hand reached over to interlace her fingers in Vee's hair.

"Well I appreciate your consideration as you leave me to lie on the hardwood floor," Ollie grumbled in response, despite not making any moves to separate herself from either the floor nor Vee.

"You're ever so welcome," Vee smiled, grabbing the hand that wasn't currently placed in her hair, touching just for the sake of closeness.

Closeness, intimacy was scary, no matter how platonic. And that's all this was, platonic. Vee was just a constant. A pillar of support and reassurance. Intimacy of any kind scared Ollie to death, and she swore that was all she was feeling in the moment. Nothing else as Vee traced small hearts and peace signs on Ollie's hand subconsciously, just settling in. And it was nothing more than nerves that filled her stomach as she felt the blonde lightly press a kiss to her shoulder as the two drifted off to sleep.

Word Count- 1100 Words

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