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I wrote this while blasting Doja Cat and playing Valorant, so if it's a little all over the place that's why.

"Jeez who died in here," Iris laughed lightly, walking into the kitchen, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

Another person in the room only added to the tension, an unbegrudging silence washing over the room.

"It wasn't the best joke, but I didn't think it was that bad," Iris muttered in response to the silence, glancing between the two girls who physically couldn't be farther apart without leaving the room. "I think Tubbo is setting up a movie night out there if you wanna.." Iris trailed off, internally unsure whether to meddle or leave the girls to settle whatever was going on between themselves.

"Sounds good!" Ollie practically shouted, speed walking out of the kitchen, "I'll go help him set it up."

Iris's attention was now centered on Vee, cocking her head slightly as she attempted to read the blonde's body language. Before she could get a good read on the situation, Vee was up as well, muttering incoherently something about the movie before leaving just as quickly as Ollie had.

"Harry Potter marathon," Ranboo smiled at Vee who had just sat beside him on the couch, not initiating physical touch until she did, always a priority to keep her comfortable, "Ollie's choice."

It was almost infuriating. He was too good for her, but Vee's mind was constantly clouded. She had never acted on any form of impulsiveness, even the pond had a few minutes of pondering and consideration. For as long as she had known, every action was calculated, whether by her own nature to overthink or simply just because between Keira and her parents, making decisions for herself was nothing less than foreign.

Ranboo was one of the first people who allowed her to think for herself, however with that, falling for him seemed bound to happen.

Wanting and needing were far from the same. She found herself reliant on Ranboo, no matter how much she knew she never owed him any 'debt' for all he had done, he was safety. He was a sense of reassurance and a guarantee everything would work out in life. Luvena was content.

But the need for more than safety was overwhelming. She had been safe her whole life. Safety, of course, was never a bad thing. But as days blended together and she seemed to lose her every sense of reality, Ollie was the one thing keeping Vee sane.

That's what best friends were for. The countless nights the pair spent under the stars, Vee absolutely enamored by Ollie's vast knowledge on seemingly every pattern or constellation.

The world was vast and empty and absolutely terrifying. The world was cold and unforgiving, but Ollie saw the beauty in it. The world had fucked over Ollie time and time again, and yet she repaid it with a soft smile and a little too much weed.

Vee found it captivating, the urge to study Ollie's every movement and thought.

If Vee had never gotten to make a decision herself, if she was trapped in a cell which confined her using her own will, Ollie was the key to escape. She was motive to admire the world, and how Vee fit into it. Ollie was the sun and everything warm in the world, and every action seemed to beg Vee to enter her own radiance.

Vee wanted to indulge in everything surrounding the brunette then repeat it day and day again. Submerging her every action in the restless nights, texting each other flowers in code because it was something only they knew, escaping to the kitchen to make pot brownies while the rest of the group smoked because Ollie's paranoia was bad, and it made her feel safer. If Ollie was Vee's escape from the standardized and her own mind, Vee could be her stability, Ollie's reason to stay on her feet.

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