Sunbae, hoobae

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***HANBINS POV*** she hugged me and I was just about to discus feelings and what's next when she was shouted by another girl.
"Leanne we have to meet the producers" ChaRi said.
"Okay let's go" she followed after her smiling to me before leaving.

I walked back into the room now there was only the rest of IKON.
"Where did everyone go!?" I asked taking a seat by yunhyeong.
"Promotions and practice" chanwoo said referring to winner and the other girls.
"So spill" donghyuk shouted.
"Spill what!?" I asked slightly confused.
"Where did you and leanne get of to?" He asked.
" no where just the roof top" I smiled.
"Did you kiss?" Bobby squealed like an excited little girl.
"Maybe" at the point g-dragon sunbae walked in and we greeted him.

"Hello" he said bowing back to us.
"What's wrong sunbae!?" Yunhyeong asked.
"Have you seen ChaRi I'm supposed to be helping her move her stuff to her new dorm with leanne." Sunbae replied.
"Wae!? How come she's moving in with leanne!?" I asked.
"They are going to debut together in a duo." He smiled.
"Daebak! I'll help you move her if you like" I said.
"Me too" chanwoo volunteered.
"Great lets go find the girls" he smiled so me and chanwoo followed.

I was walking to our car to go home with leanne as wee needed to move my belonging into her dorm but jiyong is supposed to be helping but he isn't here yet.
I spoke to soon because I turned around and he was approaching followed by hanbin and chanwoo.
"Oppa thank goodness I thought you had forgotten."
"Never donsaeng!" He said scuffing my hair.

We arrived at my dorm and grabbed some of my stuff ready to take it to my new dorm.
As we walked up leanne and jiyong oppa where talking and laughing.
I couldn't quite hear what they where saying but it looked like he was complimenting her as hanbin was staring but didn't look to happy and I know he has a major crush on our little english friend. Even though she is my unnie.

I waked to ward my dorm with GD sunbae.
"You're pretty talented you know, I'm glad my sister is in a band with you your mature for your age, kinda like hanbin" he smiled.
I smiled back " thanks I'm very serious about my music so that's a great thing to hear coming from someone like you who's been in the industry for years. I'm glad your sister is with me ive she can teach me a lot too." I replied.
"That's good to hear."

>>>4 hours later<<<
We finished moving her belongings to our dorm it didn't take us as long because the rest of the ikon members came to help. We sat around GD included, and before I knew it the rest of the BIG BANG members where in mine a chari's dorm. I was kinda freaking out I had famous people in my dorm. We put in the TV and started watching mtv before we knew it where having a dance competition in the middle of the room it was me vs T.O.P honestly this was pretty funny I was kicking his arse he may be a great rapper but his freestyle skill are a little outdated. He managed to beat me because I ended up crying of laughter on the floor. This was the best thing ever in my life I felt like I fitted in with them all they where all so down to earth and I was with my own kind, by that I mean musicians.

The BIG BANG member left at about 11 as they had to catch a flight to Japan in the morning.

It was now just me,ChaRi and the boys.
ChaRi and chanwoo where playing games in the laptop whilst I was left sitting with the other 6 boys.
"Guys can we play a game!?" I said I was pretty bored we had listen to the same songs over and over.
"Yeah what game!?" Bobby replied.
"How about the Mafia game!?" Donghyuk suggested.
We all nodded and chose yunhyeong to choose who the Mafia was goig to be to no surprise he chose me and hanbin.
Everyone out

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