Familiar faces

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I arrived back at my hotel after grabbing some food from a local restaurant. The food tastes really good over here it's seasoned to perfection and because I love food this country just got a whole lot better.

--next day--
I woke up at 6:30am and started to get ready.
I washed up then gone dressed into my black sports bra, grey joggers, with a white split side top. On my way out I placed on my matching grey hoodie and my black and silver puma's. Preparing myself for a long day of hard work.

I waited in the lobby before a woman approached me.
"Are you leanne!?" She asked and I nodded.
"Nice to meet you I'll be your manager. My name is kim yoonji" I smile and bowed as that's what Mr han said was polite yesterday.
"Hello nice to meet you as you know I'm leanne"
She giggled.
"Yes I know, would you like to follow me" I followed her out of the hotel to the car which was driven by a different man and once again had blacked out windows.

We pulled up at the company and made our way in.
"Wow this place is awe some" I said as we made our way through the hallways past numerous dance and vocal studios.
"I know isn't it just."
We entered a room at the far end of the hallway.
"This will be your room until further notice."
Yoonji said placing the pack of waters she was carrying down.
"Awesome." Was all I could say.
"I'll leave you too it then, if you need anything here the company phone it has my number and the drivers number on it for now we are the only people you need to contact. It will only be used for company matters not personal." I needed and took the phone then she left leaving me alone.

I sat at the computer in the corner searching for some songs checking out some YG artists why I was at it. I found one really interesting BIG BANG, but G-dragon stood out most his rapping was dope.
I switched on his song who you and starting dancing to it as just a bit of a mess around.

I didn't realise that why I was dancing that someone has walked in. When I stopped and looked around it wasn't just one it was 6.
"Your the girl from yesterday, leanne right"
Bobby said.
"Yeah your bobby right."
He nodded.
"Glad to see you remember." He smiled.
"Your really good" the one I believed to be donghyuk said.
"Thank you. I do try. So you guys are artists here?" I replied.
"Yeah trainees you!?"
Bobby asked.
"Well not quite yet i will find out tomorrow."
"Nice, how did you end up here anyway!?"
"Well one of the companies recruiters just happened to see me busking back in the UK and showed it to your CEO so he personally asked me to come over and show it to him."
I replied.
"Wow I'm not surprised from what I seen your really talented." Yunhyeong said. I bowed and smiled.
"Thanks, but one questions what do I look like I do apart from dance!?" I asked than all wanting to know what type of artist I looked like.
"I'm gonna say singer." Chanwoo said and I shook my head.
"I can sing but it not my top talent" I laughed.
"No way your a rapper" junhoe shouted. I laughed and nodded.
"Your gonna go far here. I'm a rapper to so is B.I but I don't know where he is he was with us before. You two would get along well." Bobby said.
"I want to dance with you" donghyuk said randomly and all the others agreed.
"Okay I don't see why not."
Jinhwan selected some music on the computer.
As soon as the music started we got into a circle and one by one started to freestyle.
The music ended and I felt someone else by the door this time it was the missing member.
"That was great" said walking forward.
"She raps too although we havnt proved that one yet." Junhoe pointed out.
"You didn't ask, do you want me to" I asked and they nodded.
Okay then can someone beat box for me." I asked and Bobby started with the beat. I did my thing hen stopped I didn't realise that Bobby stopped half way through or that all there eyes had gone wide.
"I ship her with hanbin hyung" chanwoo said.
"Ohh hell no I ship her with Bobby hyung" junhoe said.
"Stop it you guys are making her go red." Bobby said as I realised that I was now red in the face.


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