Things change.

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***Leanne's POV***
I put some shoes on and made my way out of my apartment and down the stairs to the front door. I couldn't see anything so I opened the door and to my surprise donghyuk jumped out at me.
"Aish you scared me" I said placing my hand above my heart.
"Sorry" he laughed.
"Anyway I'm guessing your my first clue?" I asked regaining my normal heart beat.
"Ah yes, your next clue awaits in a place that green in the summer, various colour in the autumn and and blooms in the spring." He spoke.
"A park or a field!?" I questioned.
" one more clue okay... up and down forwards and backwards. This place is so much much in the sun." He smiled.
"A park." I smiled heading off.
"Good luck" he shouted waving.

I arrived at the park and spotted a figure sat on a swing. So I headed over to it.
"Harin-ah" I smiled.
"Annyeong." She giggled.
"Are you my next clue?" I asked and she nodded.
"The beginning of his name... and not a stream but a?"
"Han? Not a stream but a... A river. Han river right" I said figuring it out.
She nodded.
" Thank you my best friend." I waved as I headed off.
I walked along the Han river how I supposed to find him this place I huge. I stopped when I seen a line of people, not strangers but people I recognised...
Isn't this dangerous for all the trainees to be out at once.
One by one they handed me a rose until there was no one left and then there he was habin.
I just stood looking at him and him staring back at me.
"Your wasting time here" Junhoe spoke.
Hanbin glared at him.
"My bad" he said walking of with the rest.
I laughed at the situation.
"Leanne" hanbin said catching my attention again.
"Hmm" I said looking back up at him.
" this is new to me" he spoke wiping his hands on his pants and scratching the back of his head. "I have something I need to get of my chest before you debut and we won't meet as often" he took a deep breath "I like you, like I really like you."
I was a bit taken back by his words. 'He likes me and not Chaeyeon.'
"I know you won't want to date yet because you'll be busy and we don't want it affecting your debut and our next year but just...." I cut him of with a little peck on the lips. He was shocked for a seconds then he's placed his hand at the back of my next and pulled me in for a sweet yet passionate kiss.
"Woo hanbin hyung you da man." Junhoe cheered from about 5 metres away.
"He's dead later" he whispered to me.
"Poor guy... and let's date now... im sure we can keep a secret" I smiled at him.
"Really, you don't mind..." He smiled back.
"If It means I know your mine and only mine then I can work harder knowing your heart won't change" I replied.
"Then it's official... jagiya" he grinned  with a cheesy smile.
"Promise me one thing never call me jagiya, babe yeobo or any cringy nicknames..." I laughed.
"I promise" he laughed back engulfing  me into a hug.

***2 years later***
"Leanne you're up." The pd shouted over to me. The stylist finished fixing my makeup and I headed over to the dance floor set.
Me and ChaRi where filming our comeback music video... We debuted and have been successful since this is our 5th mini album. Fans have been demanding regular comebacks and it's amazing to see the support we are getting. We won best newcomer in both the mama awards and melon music. Ikon debuted not long after us although they went through such a hard time they had to compete against each other in a show called mix and match... which unfortunately ended up with hongseok and jinhyung leaving both the group and yg. I havnt really heard from jinhyung but me and hongseok are still really close he's now in cube entertainment and has debuted with 9 other boys in pentagon.

Me and b.i broke up unfortunately due to busy schedules and lack of communication, but it's cool it was a mutual decision. I mean I'm still madly in love with the guy but it's okay.

"Leanne are you okay?" ChaRi shouted running over to me.
"Yeah why do you ask?" I asked back.
"You're crying" she stated. I lifted my hand up to my cheek.
"So I am" I smirked.
"What was it you where thinking about?" She asked side hugging me concern written in her face.
"Just how far we've come and hanbin..." I smiled. "I'm okay though really"

We finished up the music video filming and headed back to the dorm.
"Are you really okay? ChaRi Asked.
"No but I guess I've got to move on right I mean he's busy and obviously doesn't care about me anymore" I sighed...
Actually to be honest our new song was about him and our relationship but it's not a ballad it's still an upbeat dance song. I wrote it so It wasn't obvious. We start promoting in 2 weeks.

***2 weeks later***
"Today guest in the shoe is no other than the hottest duo this year... inferno...Please come out" doni shouted signalling us on the the white set.
We walked over to the both bowing.
"Wow arnt they the cutest... okay then girls please ^@*'*@(#?'(" coni said which was him signalling us to introduce ourselves.
"Hana,  deul,  set... burn it up, annyeonghaseyo inferno-imnda please look after us." We said together doing our hand signal along with it.
"Wahh finally we get to have you guys on the show... you guys really have been burning it up havnt you?" Coni asked.
We both giggled. "I guess you could say that." I replied.
" Okay then could you both introduce yourselves separately." He signalled to use.
"Annyeonghaseyo inferno, main dancer and main rapper and ohh so charming English member leanne imnida" I said bowing and smiling.
"Annyeonghaseyo inferno main vocalist and lead dancer and oh so cute maknae chari imnida." ChaRi introduced herself.
" So your latest comback song can you explain it to us!" Doni asked.
"Basically it's about a relationship that seemed perfect at the time but due to busy day to day lives and never having time for each other and even though they've broken up feelings still lingering there but unsure about how the other person feels." I explained.
"Wow that's a very deep story, is this a real life experience?" He questioned.
"Of course not we are to young for a relationship like that I'm 18 (19 korean) I have my whole life to find someone I truly want to give my heart to." I replied with a slight laugh.

We finished the recording for weekly idol, then did an interview for arirang radio.

"ChaRi - ah come here."it said shouting to her.
"Hmm eonnie" she spoke walking into the kitchen from the livingroom.
"Should we go visit the other girls." I said and she nodded enthusiastically.
We went to see the other girls in the apartment below ours.
"Harin-ah" I shouted as she opened the door and I hugged her straight away.
"Leanne long time no see (he hehe ^.^T.O.P)" she laughed.
"How's it going with yunhyeong oppa?" I asked.
"As good as it can get dating a busy idol and being a trainee... He texts me often and facetious me when he can and when he's home we chill out in their dorm. How are you doing after hanbin?" She replied.
"Honestly awful... I mean I'm happy doing what I'm doing... but I miss his a lot. I just wish we had of made it work" I replying feeling the tears in my eyes well up.
"Don't cry" she comforted me.
After spending a good hour at their dorm we decided it was time to call it a night ready for our schedule tomorrow.

We opened the door ready to leave when a familiar face appeared the top of the stair in front.
"Eonnie..."ChaRi spoke with worry in her voice.
"I'm fine let's go." I said making our way toward she group of boys up the stairs.
"Leanne" hanbin spoke.
I just carried on walking  up the next flight of stairs.
"Leanne" he spoke again a bit louder.
"Hanbin oppa, just go i think your the last person she wants to see at the moment" She spoke to him and then followed me up to the dorm.

"ChaRi - ah im just going to chill on the roof for a bit... listen to music and maybe write some lyrics I won't be long." I said exiting the house and making my way to the roof.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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