Big day.

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So today is the day I find out if I will make it within the music Industry. Hopefully I do because everyone here is madly talented.

I woke up and got dressed into the outfit I bought in my first day here. Then j made my way down to the lobby to meet my manager.

"Are you ready!?" My manager asked as I approached her.
"Yeah I suppose just gotta wing it." I replied to her.

We pulled up at the building and got out just as another car pulled up behind us. I look towards the car and Bobby got out followed by the rest of the members. Another car behind them held 2 other boys.
'This place is full of good looking boys. If I don't die naturally first their looks are going to do it'
"Hey Shawty." Bobby said walking up to me.
"That's my nickname really it sorta lame." I said laughing.
"Hey I thought it was pretty good your last names shaw and you smaller than me so it makes sense, it'll stick I bet you" he said.
"Yeah we will see about that one" I said starting to walk.
"Bobby who are the other 2 boys!?" I asked looking behind at the boys following behind talking to donghyuk and junhoe.
"Oh that's hongseok and jinhyung they used to be part of our group but the CEO decided to debut us as a 7." He replied.
"Ahh they seem nice."

---performance time---
It was time for me too perform. I would be less nervous other than the fact I have 9 gorgeous boys watching me plus a few artists from the company and the CEO himself I though it would be me and the CEO alone.

I turned the music on for my first performance which was my rap.
I finished and the music for my dance started. I counted in the first few counts then starts popping and locking. I did a few other moves and finished of with a back flip.

I opened my eyes breathing heavy and the room filled with applause.
'Nailed it' I thought smiling to myself.

"Thank you miss. Shaw I will speak to you once we have made our final decision after we have evaluated the rest of the trainees." Mr yang said.
"Thank you" I replied then bowed.

---after the evaluation---
I walked into Mr. Yangs office and took a seat as he asked.
"Hello leanne. You will be glad to hear that we are going to accept you into our trainer programme whether you will debut we don't know or if you do whether you will be solo or in a band that is all yet to be decided in the near future as we would like to get to know you and your skills." He said looking pleased with his decision.
"Thank you sir it means a lot. Can I ask one question though where will I stay?" I asked.
"Don't worry about that we will put you in a dorm the rent will be paid by us for the time you live there. We will provide you with an allowance since you are quite a way away from home. Also we will put you in high school education that will be paid for by us lastly you will have a schedule in 2 weeks time it will include vocal lessons, dance lessons, korean lessons, rap practice and a lot more."
"Thank you so much you don't understand how much this means I will continue to improve and show you how thankful I am of this offer." I replied smiling.
"Your welcome I'm glad to hear that. One last thing you will return to England to collect and personal belongings you would like in your dorm and your clothes etc... Then you'll return after a week. Your manager will accompany you in the." He smiled.
"Thank you." I stood and bowed to him.
"You may leave now you can use the practice rod or go back to the hotel it up to you." He said, I stood up to leave.
"Oh one last thing you will go with your manager to view your dorm tomorrow." I bowed and left.

I walked towards the practice room because there was no point going to the hotel.
I walked past one room and spotted familiar face in the mirror so I knocked and one signalled me to enter.
"How did you do!? Are you one of use now" junhoe asked getting excited. This will be funny.
"Well... I'm going home in two days." No replied sighing.
"What really your not going to be a trainee how can they your amazing." Hanbin shouted.
"I know that's why I'm returning a week later." I laughed and the. All looked confused.
"I'm official you idiot *que laugh* I'm returning home to pack the rest of my belongings. Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily." I smiled and they looked at eachother before running at me and engulfing me in a group hug.
'It's nice to have such good friends in such a small time' I though to myself.
'I'm gonna like it here'

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