Normal? For now.

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I walked around Liverpool 1 looking for a great place for my short performance. I found a great spot right out side of numerous big shops. I put down my music system and hit play and got into position and started dancing when the right beat came. I finished my freestyle and the music for my next little thing started when the beat came around I started rapping at this point I had a small audience. People where filming which I didn't mind. I finished the song and received claps I bowed my head slightly and said thank you.
I left the area looking for a new place to perform.
A few minutes later a man who obviously wasn't from this country approached me and started speaking English which was a surprise.
"Hello, I seen you perform just a while ago. You are extremely talented. I'm not just complimenting I work for YG entertainment a company in South Korea and I would love if you would come and show our CEO that performance."
He said.
"I've never heard of YG before. It sounds like an amazing opportunity though but I can't afford to just go there to show your CEO then comeback." I stated and he just smiled.
"You won't have to pay for a thing I've already spoke to him and showed him the video I took of you. He said I must bring you no matter what. The company will pay for your accommodation and flight and what ever else is needed."
Once he finished what he said a big grin spread across my face.
"Looks like I'm going to South Korea!" I said smiling at the man who looked relieved once I said that.
"My flight back is in 3 days here is my number phone me tomorrow and let me know if you parents are okay with this. If they are okay with it I'll give you more details and we'll set of." He said handing me his business card.
"One thing though I don't know Korean how will I communicate." I said.
"Don't worry all trainee and staff are trained in conversational english. Also we have a few korean-american trainees. We will organise for you to have a buddy for your first few months." I smiled and nodded. "That would be great thank you."
---next day---
I had discussed the opportunity with my mum and she said it was allowed as she knew I would be taken care of. I called the man back and told him I can come and he sounded delighted.
---2days later---
I arrived at the mans hotel and he was waiting for me. As soon has he spotted me he greeted me and we made our way to a car. "Sir. There's one thing I forgot to ask you what's you name?" I asked slightly embarrassed as we took are seats in the car.
"Ahh yes that would be good my name is Han yoonson. I didn't catch yours either." He said.
"Ohh haha yeah. They call me shaw, leanne shaw." I said doing my best James Bond impression to which he just laughed.
We arrived at Heathrow airport and boarded our flight after 3 hours of check/in, customs and waiting.
After what seemed like forever we arrived at Incheon airport. We made our way out and into another car this time the windows were blacked out.
We arrived at a nice hotel and Mr. Han showed me to my room.
"It's still very early here you will have the whole of today to rest as we don't want you getting jet lagged. Then tomorrow at 8am a car will pick you up from outside and bring you to the company the you will have a day to practice your dance and your song. The next day you will perform it to the CEO." He explained and I nodded.
"So I can do whatever I want to do for today." I asked him.
"Yes" he replied as his phone went.
"Well I must get going see you early tomorrow." He said exit the room leaving me alone.
I was tired so I lay in the bed and fell asleep.
I woke up a few hours later and checked the time it was 1 pm. So I decided to go exploring. I exited the hotel and headed for the shopping centre I could see across the way. I spotted a clothing store and as I love clothes. Walked in looking around. The clothes where all so lovely and I decide I should look for a performance outfit for when I perform for the CEO.
I picked out a pair of dark wash ripped skinny jeans, a white vision wear t-shirt size large so it was a bit baggy. I accessorised it with a pair of red converse, a black and white SnapBack and a white bandana with a red pattern.
'This will do' I though to myself and went to pay. After I payed I was about to exit the shop when I spotted 7 boys entering the shopped they looked at me and smiled. One boy made his way over to me.
"Your not from here are you!?" He said in English stating the obvious. "No couldn't you tell" I smiled back. "Well I'm Bobby and these guys are B.I, junhoe, chanwoo, donghyuk, jinhwan and yunhyeong. Chanwoo's the youngest." He smile as he introduced the boys standing around him.
"Nice to meet you all" I said smiling at the boys.
"If you don't mind us asking what year where you born?" He asked I was a little scared as to why but I replied any way.
"I was born in 98, why!?" I replied.
"I just wanted know if you where around about the same age as us. And we'll your the same age as one the rest of us are up to 4 years older and in between." He smiled.
"It was lovely meeting you guys but I really need to go." I said my farewell.
"Bye it was lovely to meet you too" he smiled waving as I walked away.

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