New dorm mate!

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I took a step back from hanbin. My heart was beating so fast not to mention I was probably the colour of the ripest tomato.

"I think someone's blushing!" Bobby shouted across the room. So I picked up the nearest cushion and threw it in his direction. It hit him and he faked a death.
"Your such a drama queen" I laughed at him.
I turned my attention back to hanbin who was still stood in the same position as before.
"I like that angle" I said before walking to my room to get changed.

--- at YG Ent. building---

I was called to Mr. Yangs office so I headed up straight away.
When I arrived at the offices I know and was let in.
There where 7 other girls sat around some I had seen before, some I hadn't and harin. I sat on the couch next to harin.

"So girls I have some new for you all as you know for the years, months, weeks or days that you have been training we wernt sure how you where going to debut or when but we have made a decision.
We are going to debut a duo and a group.
Leanne and ChaRi you two will become the duo.
The rest of you will be the group.
No names are decided yet. But the debut date are quite close. We will let you know soon.

ChaRi you will move into leannes dorm. Harin you will move into the dorm with the other girls

You can go now thanks you."

We exited the room everyone seemed pleased.
We all made our way to the training room the boys where in only to find that there was 14 boys instead of 7.

Jazmine walked over to a boy I didn't know the name of and gave him a hug.
"Leanne you havnt met these yet." Bobby said.
"No I havnt" I smiled in the direction of the strange boys.
They stood up and introduced themselves one by one and I did to.
"You can hang round with is more if you like I mean we are the better looking band" taehyun said.
"Why would that be." I asked laughing.
"Cause I'm in it. Plus I think your cute" cause him to receive stares from all the boys and girls in the room.
"I don't think so I'm pretty sure B.I is going to claim her." Chanwoo said laughing at taehyun.
I blushed badly and put my head down so no one would notice but that didn't work because everyone's eyes where in me.
"Awww cute you totally like him." The eldest girl Jiyoo said.
All eye where still on me. This was getting totally embarrassing but I was saved when I was engulfed in hanbins arms.
I smiled and hugged him back. Even if they where all awwing/ cringing.

---half an hour later---

I sat in the corner of the room with my notepad and my pen trying to write lyrics. But instead watching everyone.

In one corner there was ChaRi, hongseok, chanwoo, yunhyeong and harin talking and laughing. Harin was practically staring at yunhyeong. To be fair it was really cute her legs where over his legs.
ChaRi looked like she had a thing for both hongseok and chanwoo but more chanwoo.

In the middle of the room sat taehyun, mino jiyoo and jinwoo. Mino was playing with jiyoos hair.

Sat around the computer where vieya, junhoe, jinhwan and hyuna laughing at random video on YouTube.

In the other content of the room was minhee, Bobby, jinhyeong, jazmine, donghyuk, B.I, seungyoon and seunghoon. Just talking and laughing.

I got back to concentrating on my lyrics.
A few minutes later I felt the paper and pen being removed from my grip. I looked up to see who it was. Only to come into direct eye contact with hanbin. He smiled and grabbed my hands pulling me up leading me out of the room and to the rooftop.

We stood looking at the view in silence for a while. I must have been day dreaming cause before I knew it I was being spun around. I ended up looking up at him and him looking down at me. We just stood in silence a bit longer before he leaned in a kissed me. I kissed back.
The kiss ended and I was definitely red. I took a step closer and hugged him hiding my face in his chest.


Sorry for such the long wait.

But thanks for reading guys.

I know this fanfic is more or less in leannes pov by I promise I'll try and switch POV's.

Also since the rest of the trainees are no involved there may be some more love who knows.
Don't forget to vote and comment letting me know what you think.

Thank you... :D

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