13. "Let's Plan A Robbery"

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Present Day: Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

"Fuck you two did get tall," I looked up at the skyscrapers that were Luke and Calum.

Calum was leaning on the wall, a cigarette in his mouth. He took a lighter out of his pocket, bringing it up to ignite it. His fingernails were painted black, but most of the paint had chipped off. He had a green hoodie on pulled over his head. With black skinny jeans and black converse to match. Calum, like Zayn, took after our mother with her naturally tan skin.

Luke was standing next to him, wearing a simple white shirt that's sleeves were rolled up. Black skinny jeans on too, of course, with a pair of black vans. The first thing I spotted though was the black hoop around his lip. Luke was just an inch taller than Calum and like I've said before, they weren't identical twins. Luke was just as pale as Gemma, but the only one here with naturally blonde hair.

The bedroom door to my right slammed open and Liam rushed out holding a gun in his hands.

"I found Calum and Luke," The three of us didn't even flinch.

"Fuck," Liam lowered his gun, turning the safety back on and placing it in the waistband of his gym shorts.

Zayn yawned, standing next to Liam and resting his body on the door frame. "How the fuck did you too get in here?"

"The balcony," Luke pointed over towards me, smirking a bit.

He better fucking not. This boy was already on thin ice in my books, and if he snitched, I swear on my life I'd grab Liam's gun and shoot him myself.

Fuck, this was really ruining my high.

"Heard you were looking for us," Luke didn't say anything else though, just looked over at the boys. "Thought we'd stop by."

Gemma's door opened up, and by the looks of it, she didn't seem too happy to be up so early in the morning. She spotted Luke and Calum instantly, I mean, it was fucking hard to miss them when their heads about touched the ceiling.

"You two..." Gemma walked over to them, hitting Luke on the arm then Calum. "Fucking idiots."

"She's had that general reaction to all of us so far," Zayn told them.

"I don't give a fuck, personally," I inputted.

"Why would you join all this?" Gemma, although a whole foot shorter than them, still looked fucking intimidating. "Robbing banks? What kinda fucking life is that?"

"The kind where we get to go on endless vacation and get a shit tone of money," Luke shrugged. "The same reason these two joined."

"No, we joined because we had to," Liam crossed his arms over his chest. "Non-negotiable on our part. You two, were sent to a school to be far away from everything."

"Yeah, and Michael heard you arguing that night," Luke gave him a look. "That fucking school you sent us to was filled with fucked up people. They just had money. We didn't care to play pretend anymore and so we left."

Calum took a puff from his cigarette which rested between his two fingers before lowering it back down to his side.

"No," Gemma snatched it away from him. He looked shocked as she walked over to the sink, turning on the tap and shoving the cigarette in there. "No one is fucking smoking around me. Are we clear?"

Calum raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Fuck, Gemma, when did you get a stick up your ass?" Luke asked.

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