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𝐔.𝐀 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬

Just like any other morning, Izuku Midoriya or better known as 'Deku', was out on a morning jog.

It had become an everyday habit to take a run around the school grounds and surrounding area to better his stamina and for extra gain.

As he rounded the corner he checked his watch before picking up his speed. Today was his anniversary with his girlfriend and he had planned to surprise her before class starts.

Finally entering the school dorms he quickly but quietly made his way to his room for a change of clothes and a shower.

After his shower he made his way to the dorms common area, finding it almost empty, aside from one of his close friends Iida and another friend Tokoyami.

"Ah, good morning Iida, Tokoyami-Kun!"

"Good morning Midoriya! It is good that you woke up early! Being punctual is a very imp-"

Izuku rushed passed them and started to prepare Uraraka's favorite breakfast, making sure everything was to her preferences.

Once he was done he smiled proudly at his work.

'Alright, it's done! Perfect.'

More and more students began to fill in the common area for breakfast, all but two. And Izuku seemed to notice.

'Hmm? Uraraka's not here yet. She's usually up already...' His eyes roamed around, seeing if he could spot her.

'Todoroki-Kun isn't here either..? That's unusual'

A strange feeling began to crawl its way into his chest, one that he hadn't felt before.

Seeing as the food was going to get cold and she wasn't down yet, Izuku had decided to bring the food up to her.

Just like a breakfast-in-bed! The green haired boy smiled as he carefully balanced the food on the tray, making his way to the girls side of the dorms.

The only sound that could be heard was the echoing of his feet and the slight 'clank' of the dishes on the tray.


He paused.

His ears perking up at the familiar voice. A voice he knew all too well.


He didn't want to move. He didn't want to hear these sounds. He didn't want to believe.

But even so he walked forward to the room door. The sound more clear but slightly muffled due to the door.

He could make out her voice clearly as she muttered sweet nothings to the person in the room.

His hands shook and his breathing increased. 'Please. Don't let this be... '

His hands twisted the door knob and revealed to him a painful sight. One so brutal the warmth of the food vanished as they met the cold floor,

the sound of the shattered glass alerting the two in the room of another presence.

Uraraka gasped hurriedly shoved Todoroki off of her as her gaze met Izuku's.

His eyes held so many emotions, confusion.

'Why are you with Todoroki-Kun?'


'Why are you cheating on me?'


'How could you?'



To say Uraraka and Todoroki were surprised at his choice of language was an understatement.

Not once had they ever heard him curse.

"D-Deku! It's not what it looks like!!"

The boy scoffed as he glared at the both of them his heart slowly breaking.

"It's not what it looks like? Don't give me that shit!"

The brunette flinched at his voice as Todoroki sat on the bed thinking over his actions.

"Then tell me. Todoroki, Uraraka. What am I seeing?"

They remained silent. What could they possibly say?

"Deku please! It meant nothing! All the times meant nothi-!" Uraraka's eyes widened at her mistake.

Her hands slapping over her mouth to keep silent.

Izuku's heart broke double time. His glare no more as tears filled his eyes.

"There were other times? Uraraka..."

Todoroki felt guilty as he heard the sadness and utter heartbreak from his voice, he hadn't meant for this to get out of hand... It just...happened.

"I can't believe you." He swallowed back a sob as he walked backwards towards the door.

"Deku, no. Please. I love you."

"If you love me then you'll let me go. We're over. Happy anniversary."

Once Izuku left the room Uraraka rolled her eyes, wiping away her fake tears.

She turned back to Todoroki who looked at her very much confused at her sudden 180 change.

"Now. Where were we~?"

Todoroki looked at her crazy like she did not just get caught cheating and dumped.

She scoffed.

"I never loved him. I was just using him, he has a lot of useful perks. He's useless now. But not now, we can be together."

She cupped his face and kissed him. Hesitantly he kissed back, doubt and guilt bubbling in his stomach.

What they did not realize was that Izuku was still outside the door listening.

And he broke even more.

EDITED: 04-03-23

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