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A week after their break-up and Izuku had still not made an appearance in class.

Uraraka was someone he held very dear to his heart.

She was the first girl he had ever talked to, his first friend besides Bakugo, his first crush. One of the first people to believe 'Deku' was the name of a hero.

She wasn't just his girlfriend, she was his best friend too. And so was Todoroki.

Sure they've had their differences in the past but after they got over that, they were both there for each other and loved and supported one another.

So for those two to go behind his back like that really hurt him.

In that week, he had done nothing but stare at his ceiling and think.

Occasionally he would open his door to collect the days work from Kirishima, who was the only person who talked to him now.

Apparently Uraraka had switched the story around and accused him of being a bad boyfriend which lead to her one night stand with Todoroki.

All the lies she spewed was believed by the class who comforted her and started to ignore him.

Uraraka now openly started to date Todoroki, she didn't even look like she was broken up with.

Izuku was bullied.

Even though it wasn't a lot, but every time he was seen out of his room, somebody was there to harm him, be it physically or emotionally.

He tried to mask the pain but he could never, not when the ones doing this was supposed to be his closest friends,  his squad.

A month later, he now always had a new injury somewhere on his body, and is constantly visiting Recovery Girl in the infirmary.

"Another injury child!?This is like an everyday thing now! Just what are you doing to yourself?"

Izuku faked a smiled and sheepishly scratched his head.

"Nothing much, just some extra training with the class."

After another lecture, Izuku was set free and made his way back to the dorms.

As he got closer her could here the chatter from his class mates, joking and laughing like everything was normal.

As soon as he stepped into the room they all fell silent. No one dared to speak to him, not after what they found out today.

The room was tense. He could tell. But it didn't have anything to do with his breakup, no.

It was something else.

Slowly he made his way to the kitchen area, suddenly feeling dehydrated.


Everyone watched as Bakugo slowly marched up to Izuku who took silent steps back.

"What the f*ck do you think you're doing? Huh?"

His menacing voice bounced along the walls of the room reaching Izuku's ears as he felt a chill down his back.

Off all the time he was scared of Bakugo. This is definitely the most terrified he's been.

But he wouldn't show. No matter how hurt he was. He won't give them the satisfaction of seeing him weak just to ridicule him.

"What do you mean? I'm just getting water."

As he was about to continue on his way, an explosion escorted him to the other side of the room.

He coughed as he slowly stood up, slight scratches on the left side of his face, his clothes torn.

"You think you could trick us DEKU!? YOU F*CKING VILLIAN!"

Bakugou landed a punch on Izuku's face. Then to his stomach, then a kick to his side.

Throughout this whole torture the class only cheered for Bakugou to continue.

Izuku remained silent.

He didn't feel anything.

What was he supposed to feel that he already hasn't. Soon the whole class had ganged up on him, using their quirks to physically harm him.

It wasn't until Kirishima came did they stop.


Bakugou let go of Izuku's hair, letting the boy fall to the floor unconscious.



He quickly ran to his friends fallen body and somehow set him on his back.

He carefully walked towards the door making sure not to drop the boy.

"We still don't know whether the tape is real or not, that's why sensei said to leave Midoriya alone until further notice.

Beating up your friend for no reason Isn't manly at all!!"

And with that he left the class silent and back to the infirmary Izuku went.


Izuku felt numb. His eyes felt dry, like he hadn't slept in days. He felt hungry but he didn't want to eat.

He opened his eyes.

Inside he felt. Empty. As if he were paralyzed.

'why is it like this? '

He couldn't help but think of the past when everyone was happy.

When he had all his friends with him.

When he had his girlfriend.

When he had meaning.

Now. Now he doesn't have anything.


He turned his head to see Kirishima, sitting on the chair next to him a concerned look in his eyes.

"You okay bro?"

His heart felt a sense of warmth.

'At least I still have you.'

EDITED: 04-03-23

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