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𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

"The school is really nice, most students are friendly too. There are a bunch of ass holes here and there but it's not that often you encounter one."

Izuku nodded his head as he followed a third year who was required to be his guide for today.

"Everyone is required to respect each other and show good manners. We refer to everyone by name during class and stuff, but once it's hero training you are to refer to someone by their hero name.

Teachers will call you by hero name outside hero classes sometimes, but it's not really a big deal.

Just like any other school we have normal classes as well, and hero training is in the afternoon."

Izuku stayed quite as he took in all the information, silently playing with the silver ring on his finger.

"Lunch time is different for each year. 1st years have lunch first while the rest of the school continues with work. Then the 2nd years and the the 3rd."

"The classes must be big then.. What class am I in? the school never tell me yet."

"Your class is decided based on the results of your entrance exam. We have three classes for each year, 'Elite class', 'S class' and 'A class'."

As the third year talked Izuku looked at his surroundings, some students talking, some studying, some doing last minute work and other just straight up making tik toks.

'I should make a tik tok account too maybe...'

"Elites are the young heroes who excel far beyond average in their year and have amazing hold of their quirk and are advanced in combat, academics, and any skill of your choice. Elite class' have the lowest amount of students since not many are that great with their skills.

S class, are the students who can control their quirk well and and have good combat skills. Their academic are just above average and they make promising heroes, but still need work. Many students do end up in the S class.

A class is actually divided into two. It's for students with a not so much good grasp of their quirk and still need help controlling it as well as academics. It also houses students who don't wish to be heroes, like support students, medical, general and all that."

Izuku sighed and rubbed his eye, stifling a yawn." You still haven't told me what class I'm in."

"Oh right. According to your results you'll be in S class. It is possible to be moved and put in a class lower or higher than your current one, so you must always be working hard. These classes apply to all years.

Classes will start soon, let's get you to your class."

Izuku continued to follow until they reached his class. A sigh showing that it was s class hung above the door.

"Well I hope you fit in great and that this school will allow you to become the hero you've always dreamt to be.

If you ever need any help or anything you can ask me. I'm Ed! Third year, Elite class. Enjoy your first day!"

And with that Izuku was left standing outside the door, just staring blankly at it.

After a while he knocked three times before entering.

"Ah, you must be the new student. Izuku Midoriya yes? I'm your english teacher welcome to S class, please introduce yourself."

He faced the class, his green eyes surveying the room until they landed on a familiar green. Izumi.

She smiled at him and gave him a big wave with a grin adorning her face.

He simply rolled his eyes and quickly flipped her off whilst the teacher was not looking.

"The names Izuku Midoriya. Hero name: Atlas. My quirk is basically an enhancing quirk, One For All. I'm 16. Hope we get along." After he was done he was told to find an empty chair and sit.

He sat next to a girl with waist length pink hair, and cyan eyes. She also had two small red horns on her head.

She turned to him as he sat and grinned at him, he little fang poking out.

"Yo big bro!"

He raised a brow. 'big bro?'

The girl rolled her eyes before jabbing a finger at the back where Izumi sat.

"You're her big bro right. Nice to meet you." She held a hand out waiting for a shake.

Izuku looked at her writs and noticed the same tattoo as his sister. 'So she's the one with the devil quirk.'

He shook her hand. "I'm Lucy, Lucy Lane."
𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸

"IZUUUKUU!" The boy almost fell had it not been for his fast reflexes.

He playfully glared at his sister flicking her forehead, making her groan.

"Ow, that's so rude. I just wanted to invite you to eat lunch with the group. Ya know since you're gonna be lonely and all that."

He shrugged his shoulder and they both walked to the lunch room. "So how was your first day so far?"

She asked as she picked out a bunch of junk food, some fruit and juice.

"It was alright, basically what I was doing back at my old school maybe a bit more advanced but."

She nodded and dragged him to the a table located near the center of the room.

As they approached he noticed Lucy sitting there as well as 5 others. 2 girls and 3 guys.

"You guys! I brought my brother!"

The table turned to Izuku and gave friendly smiles and waves, welcoming him openly.

They scooted a bit mote to make room for him as Izumi say next to Lucy.

"Alright Izuku, Introduction time!"

He quickly introduced himself again and started to eat his food, paying attention as they were introduced.

"'Kay Izuku, that one is Zack Harris," Izumi  said as she pointed to the white haired boy, he had two eye colors of blue and pink, which were also in his hair.

"That's Liam Davis," The boy with the black and purple hair looked at him and gave a lazy wave, his purple eyes a bit droopy.

"And he's Prince Robinson, he's not a prince, that's his name." Prince moved a tray hair away from his eyes and politely smiled at Izuku.

Next Izumi introduced the girls. "Okay so you already know Lucy, so these two are Taylor Park,"

She nudged the blonde haired girl causing her to almost choke. "What the fu-"

"And Belle Star!" Finally his gaze met her bright purple. He also noticed she had a mole under her eye. She was very pretty, in fact everyone at this table was really attractive.

"Nice to meet you. I hope we all get along."

EDITED: 04-03-23

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