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~Troye's POV~

I left for Hannah's place without texting Tyler. It hadn't been that long since he left, and I assumed he would be with Dan and Phil for at least a little bit longer. He would probably just sit there phangirling for a month after they left like he usually did.

I arrived at Hannah's and heard laughter from inside the door. Hannah lived in a tiny apartment made for a miniature person, but the more people who came into the apartment, the more it seemed to accommodate.

I knocked on the door quietly and heard a male voice shout. Seconds later, the door opened and the face that matched the voice peeked out.

His handsome face twisted into a wide grin.

"Ah, you must be Troye. I've heard so much about you." He smiled and opened the door wider so I could follow him inside.

"Troye!" Hannah and Grace screamed as I entered the apartment.

"HARTBIG!" I shouted louder at them, laughing apologetically when the mysterious 'Connor' jumped in surprise. I already felt better than I had just minutes ago. These people made me so happy, but I couldn't help but wonder in the back of my mind if Tyler was having a good time with Dan and Phil.

"Nope, Troye stop thinking about him right now. I can see it in your eyes. Stop." Grace called me out.

I felt my cheeks turn red.
"I, uh, I forgot to text him to tell him I was leaving earlier. He should be getting back soon, he might be worried."

It wasn't a lie, but I didn't want to be embarrassed right now for thinking about him.

I started to pull out my phone and Hannah snatched it away.

"Dude no. You don't need to text him. You can get your phone back when you've had some fun."

That doesn't sound like a very good idea to me, but I play along for her.

"Now drink up." Grace commands and hands me a glass that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Hannah takes Grace goes to the kitchen and starts cooking something up from whatever she can find and I sit awkwardly with Connor.

He sits with his back straight on the couch across a small coffee table from me, seeming uncomfortable because he isn't leaning into the cushions like a normal person. I find myself unable to relax under his gaze. I clear my throat without meaning to and a blush creeps into his face.

"Um, I think I'm going to go check on Grace and Hannah, you know, just make sure they aren't making out." I try to joke, and Connor chuckles slightly but doesn't say anything else.

I shuffle into the kitchen to find both of them cooking something spicy smelling.

"Um, Connor seems, nice?" I whisper so he doesn't hear me.

"He's just nervous." Grace responded casually, and I shrugged. But her words caught me by surprise.

"Wait why would he be nervous." A million totally unlikely reasons rush through my head but I don't ask any out loud.

"He recently came out and he is worried what people are going to think of him and he's paranoid that people are going to know he's gay." Hannah cuts in.

"That's not going to happen..." I say, confused, but then think about the very first time I realized I was gay and how I felt, and I understand what he is feeling.

When the food is ready and we've all had a few more drinks, we sit down to eat. Connor opens up a little bit more and is totally hilarious and I occasionally feel like I'm seated next to a walking text post. When we finish, I realize I haven't gotten a text in a while, and then remember why.

"Grace where's my phone, Iv'e had some fun, but I need it now."

She sighs and goes to get it from where it's charging in the kitchen.

I have 12 texts from Tyler, I open them and know I'm in trouble.

"Shit, guys I have to go." On my way out the door I call Tyler. He doesn't pick up. I try again and he still doesn't answer. I run in the direction I think our dorm is before I realize it's dark. I stop, out of breath, and realize that I made a wrong turn somewhere, and now, I'm lost.

Hey buds sorry im kinda slow at updating, i got in trouble and im not allowed to have my phone in my room anymore so i cant update v quick so sorry.

anyway, somewhere i hit 1.4k and thats pretty cool and thanks to all you kids who comment i really love you and you make me want to write so even though it may seem hopeless please comment more because ily

also how do you guys feel abt the new app layout because no offence but i hate it. also tumblr layout is shit soooo

xoxo eleanor.

I'm Nineteen~ a Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now