More People

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Time skip a week-ish


After a week of getting into classes and getting to know Troye, we finally came out of our lonely little two person shell and met some new people. Troye and I had been sticking to each other as much as we could, not wanting to have no friends, but not having enough friends to actually do anything.

The first people we met were two extremely tall boys named Dan and Phil. They both had fringe covering a part of their face, and were nearly each others doppelgänger twins. Troye met Phil in film class, and we all went out to eat together. They also loved internet, and both already had YouTube channels, so they fit right in with Troye and I.

Dan later invited us to meet a few more of his friends. We were in a party room on the side of a somewhat larger club, and we could What I was lead to believe to be "a few" actually turned out to be a whole room full; Zoe, Alfie, Jim, Tanya, Marcus, Niomi, Caspar, Joe, Louise, Matt & their daughter Darcy, Grace, Hannah, and Mamrie. Those people were at least the ones I got in my contacts. There were a few other people there, PJ, Chris, Felix, Marzia, Joey, Shane. so many people were there, but they were all so cool and fun to be around. I was really glad they were all from bigger cities, because when they realized I was gay, it didn't even phase them, no one hated me for it, no one even commented. I loved this feeling, of being accepted, it wasn't something I had ever felt before.

I made sure Troye didn't drink too much. not wanting to repeat the same incident from before. Although Troye was a few months older than me, I still felt like it was my need to take care of him. He fought it at first, but after two days of him not eating anything because he was too busy, I knew I had to help the kid out.

"Troye how many beers have you had?" I asked him from across the room while he was grinding up in Hannah.

"This is my second one only, don't worry Tilly, he shouted back over the mildly loud music and talking people, I could see him holding up a beer to show me.

"Okay, but that's your last one!" I shouted back at him. He rolled his eyes and continues to grind Hannah, he was obviously doing it as a joke, and not getting any pleasure from it seeing how gay they both were, but for some reason I felt myself getting a little jealous.

To take my mind off the strange feelings inside me I decided to strike up a conversation with Grace and Mamrie who were both sitting drunk at a table.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated. I'm really busy "studying for finals" and shit but I also have this idea for a Phan thing and I'm screaming because it keeps getting better and better and if I write it it's gonna rip your brain out.

Anyway yesterday I spent the whole day playing My Sims Kingdom on the Wii so that's why I didn't update.

Idk if this is a short chapter but comment and vote for a free math test.


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