Chapter 2

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F: Come on honey..... You have to wake up....
Me: Nooooo..... I'm still tired...... 
F: We have to go to the compound. You have to get up.
Me: What time is it? I told El to wake me up at 7.
F: It's 6 am. 
Me: Then why are we speaking? I'm going back to bed.
F: Nope, you're not. Get up and head into the shower. I'm going to start on breakfast and after we eat, there are some things, we need to discuss.
Me: Ughhhh..... fine...... I'm up......

I got up and headed into the shower where as dad went into the kitchen to start preparing breakfast.

After 15-20 minutes, I was out of the shower and dressed.
I wrapped my hair in a towel and went into the kitchen. It was around 6:30, so I still had time.

F: Here you go sweetie.....
Me: Thanks dad......
F: How'd you sleep?
Me: The usual.....
F: How many hours?
Me: 3..... Maybe around 4....
F: Ok, how about we go to the compound and after you are introduced to everyone, you go and continue your sleep.
Me: No, no. I'm ok. I have a question though.....
F: Shoot.
Me: Have you told anyone who I am to you?
F: What do you mean?
Me: I mean the fact that I'm your daughter.
F: Only Tony and Maria know. But I was hoping you would be ok with me telling the rest of the Avengers.
Me: Why?
F: I want to make sure no one tries anything and make sure they know that if they mess with you, they're messing with me.
Me: I appreciate that dad, but please don't. I'm not staying there for long and I don't want any of them to leak anything to the press.
F: They won't. I'll punish anyone who does.
Me: Doesn't matter if you punish or not. The info will be out. I'm ok, I promise. Plus, Tony is always going to be with me and if I need anything, I promise to tell you.
F: Ok...... fine.....
Me: Thanks. By the way, I always train with Maria. Who am I going to train with now?
F: Romanoff. She is the best. I know you always beat Maria so I can't wait to see you fight Romanoff. She is really an amazing fighter and spy.
Me: Ahhhh... The red-haired Russian Assassin I've heard so much about.....
F: That's her. 
Me: Ok, she's hot......
F: No! Don't you dare date any of them!! Look at what happened with Rogers!!
Me: What happened with Rogers isn't because he was an Avenger. It was because he is an asshole. There is a difference.
F: I'll make sure they are afraid to go near you.........
Me: Thanks......... (I said sarcastically)
F: Always. Honey, no one is ever going to be good enough for you.
Me: Let's just go then........... I'm not going to be able to convince you otherwise.......
F: Nope. No one is good enough for my baby girl.......

After I was ready, we put the bags into the car and headed to the compound.

Dad grabbed my bags and we went inside.
There were some people in the kitchen eating breakfast when we entered.
Dad cleared his throat and everyone shut up immediately and turned towards us.

T: Y/N!!!
Tony yelled, running towards me. He picked me up and spun me around, leaving everybody extremely confused, because they have never seen him act like that. 
To me though, he was being himself. He is always like that and I love that about him.

Me: Good morning tin-man.
T: Everybody, this is......
Pp: Y/N!! (This little kid, interrupted him. I'm assuming he is this spider boy... Spiderman? Whatever.....)
Me: I am. Nice to meet you....
Pp: Peter!! Peter Parker!! I am your biggest fan!!
Me: Well, I'm honored Peter. It's lovely to meet you.
Pp: Thank you. And... Thank you for everything you have done for me.....

I was confused so Tony leaned in and said:
T: He is an orphan. Your company helped him a lot before he started interning for me.
Me: Ohh..... Well Peter, there is no need to thank me. I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for being so brave and overcoming a lot of challenges.
Pp: Thank you. It's a little easier when you have idols and mentors such as yourself to look up to.
Me: Thank you Peter. It really means a lot.
B: I'm sorry.... But who are you? (Bruce Banner interrupted) 
N: They are one of the biggest celebrities in the world and one of the most successful business owners in the world. Come on Banner. Do you live under a rock or something?
Me: Thank you..... I'm assuming you're Agent Romanoff?
N: I am.... So you've heard of me..... (Nat said in a flirty way)
F: Agent Romanoff....... Be careful.......
Me: Nick!
F: Everyone, this is Y/N. She is here to stay for a few weeks. She was asked by myself and Tony to come and help him with a problem. Everything else is classified so you can't ask questions. She is very important to me and even a slight mistake towards her will be a big one for me. Understood?

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