Chapter 10

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After a couple of minutes, the door gently opened and Nat walked in.
N: Hey there dorogaya......
Me: Hey Tasha.......
N: Can I sit?
Me: Of course. Why would you ask that?
N: I saw how Tony was with you and I don't want to trigger a panic attack by just sitting......
Me: You're cute, but I'm ok. I promise.
N: Good. Tony said you wanted to see me?
Me: Yes. Umm..... Can I have-
N: Yes. (Nat said cutting me off)
Me: What? You don't even know what I'm going to ask.
N: Of course I do.

Nat got up and went on the other side of the couch, laying down.
She grabbed my hands and slowly pulled me towards her.

Normally, I would lay on top of her but because of her ribs, I just laid my head on her chest while carefully wrapping my arm around her waist.

N: See..... I told you I knew......
Me: Meanie......
N: If you want, I can get up.....
Me: No! You're staying here......
N: I'm not going anywhere princess.
Me: Thank you.

Nat started to stroke my hair while talking, to keep me calm.
N: Do you wanna talk about it?
Me: Not really......But I know you do.....
N: Only if you want to.... It's ok if you don't.....
Me: There's nothing, really.... I would've been fine if it weren't for the nickname he used.
N: The nickname?
Me: Yeah..... 'Baby'...... He only used that after fights when he was trying to make it up to me...... That's what triggered this.... I didn't want this to happen in front of everyone..... But he knew what he was doing.....
N: Want me to go and kick his ass?
Me: No.... I just wanna lay here with you......
N: I told you princess, I'm not going any-

Just then, a huge crash was heard from outside and both Nat and I got up.
N: Stay here!!
Me: No! You stay here!! You're injured!! I can protect myself!!
N: No. I'm going.
Me: Then so am I!!

We made our way to where the noises were coming from and I saw Wanda, holding Steve up with her powers while hitting him on the wall.

Me: Wanda!!
P: She's not listening Y/N.... Don't try anything!! You'll get hurt!!
Me: She's not going to hurt me!!

I ran to Wanda and stood in front of her.
Her eyes were completely red and focused on Steve.

Me: Wanda.... Wands.... Look at me.....
W: Not now Y/N...... He hurt you..... I can't let him get away with it.....
Me: I don't care. I don't care about him. He is a sorry piece of shit. He's not worth it Wanda......
W: I know what he has done to you in the past. After Tony said he was your ex, I looked into his mind and saw everything. He IS going to pay!!
Me: Wanda. Nothing you do is going to erase the things he did. I'm fine, honestly. I don't care about him. Fuck, I don't even care if you kill him. I just.... I don't want you to get into any trouble because of a low life like Steve.....
W: Fine..... But just one more.

Wanda threw him across the room and he fell to the floor.
I wrapped my hands around Wanda's neck and she wrapped hers around me.

W: I'm so sorry Y/N..... I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you.....
Me: It's not your fault Wands. I mean it.... No need to worry. I'm fine. See.....
W: I can see that.

Steve got up and came towards us to hit Wanda, but I quickly punched him, causing him to fall to the ground.

S: You bitch! I'm so going to tell Fury!!
Me: Go ahead. Tell him. See what he'll do.
S: And you, you little witch. You'll pay for that.
Me: I didn't see anything. Did you Tony?
T: I don't know what you're talking about? The only thing I saw is cap threatening you and Wanda right now.
C: I didn't see anything either. Plus, nothing is broken.......
S: Whatever......

Steve left the room and we started laughing.
Me: I'll be back.
T: Where are you going Y/N?
Me: I need to see someone. I'll be back shortly. Peter.
Pp: Yes?
Me: When is she coming here?
Pp: At 6:30 pm.
Me: I'll be here before 6. Text me if you need me to bring anything with me.
Pp: I will. Thanks.
Me: No problem.
N: I'll walk you to your car.

Y/N And Agent RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now