Chapter 15

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I woke up to a bitch of a headache.
Me: Owwwww....
N: Y/N?! Y/N!! Thank GOD you're awake!!
Me: Nat? What happened?
N: You don't remember?
Me: I remember watching you from my laptop to make sure you're ok.... I then.... I.... I.... went into the kitchen.... to get some water.... then Steve.... God!! Tasha!! I remember!! It was Steve!! Steve hit me!!
N: I know love. El showed me the footage. I'm so sorry.... I shouldn't have left you with him....
Me: It's not your fault bubs. He hasn't been physical like this before. You couldn't have known. Where is he?
N: Nick took him away. I don't know where.
Me: Ok, good....
N: How are you feeling?
Me: It's a little hard to breathe but other than that, I'm fine....
N: Let me go and get Bruce to run some tests. I'll be right back.
Me: Ok....
N: I love you....
Me: I love you too....

After running tests for an hour, Bruce gave me the all clear to get out of the medbay.
I still have to do a lot of resting but I can at least get up and move around for a little bit....

I got out of the bed and slowly made my way into the common area where Nat was waiting for Bruce to get some news, along with the rest of the team.

I walked into the room and leaned against the door frame but all heads turned to me.
T: Y/N?!
N: What are you doing up?!!

Nat ran to me and held on to me to make sure I don't fall.
N: Let's get you back to the medical wing.
Me: No, no.... Bruce gave me the all clear to leave.

Just then, Bruce came into the room and Nat looked like she wanted to kill him.
N: You gave her the all clear?!
B: I did....
N: Why would you do such a thing?!! She can't even stand up properly on her own!! What if something happens?! She should be in the medical wing until she gets better!! She should-

I cut her off by grabbing her jaw and kissing her.
Me: Listen to me Tasha.... I'm feeling better. Bruce didn't tell me to get back to work or go to the gym, he told me I can get out of the medical wing and rest in my own bed. I can walk around for a bit but I have to rest.
N: Then, let me take you to bed....
Me: No, I wanna sit with everyone for a while.
N: Ok. Then, at least let me help you.
Me: Ok....

Nat took me to the couch and I sat down in between Nat and Wanda, where as Tony took a seat opposite to me.
They just kept asking questions and I started getting overwhelmed.

Nat sensing my uneasiness, picked me up and took me out of the room.
She laid down and pulled me on top of her, playing with my hair to calm me down.

It has been a week since I got out of the medbay.
Dad talked to me and informed me that Steve will remain at Headquarters until I decide to go back and will join the Avengers on the mission whenever he is required. He is also forbidden to go near me. Otherwise, he will be permanently removed from the team.

Nat hasn't left my side since all of this happened.
She has been getting me breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. Plus snacks and ice cream whenever I want. I'm feeling incredibly guilty about everything.

So today, I'm planning on making her breakfast, because I woke up before her and I'm feeling much better.

I made my way to the kitchen, where I saw vision and Wanda drinking coffee and eating breakfast.
Me: Good morning sis, morning toaster.
V: Good morning Y/N.... Just a reminder that I am not a toaster.
Me: Aaahhhhhh.... I keep forgetting.... Sorry man....
V: No problem at all.

I looked at Wanda and she looked like she wanted to kill me.
Me: Good morning to you my lovely sister.
W: Good morning. What are you doing up at 5 am? Where's Nat?
Me: I came here to make her some breakfast. Any suggestions?
W: Pancakes?
Me: No. She doesn't like them very much. She prefers other things but I haven't made anything in my life before....
W: Do bacon and eggs. That's easy. Here.
Me: What's this?
W: It's a recipe you can follow. I gave it to Vision, because he hasn't had it or made it before.... because he is a SYNTHAZOID.
Me: How did you do toaster?
V: I think I pulled it off very well.
Me: Ok then.... I'll give it a go.
W: I would help but we have a mission to go to. Good luck sis.
Me: Be careful. Bye
V: Bye.

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