chapter seven

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What I am about to say next, I think you need to brace yourself for. I have been writing back and forth with Aphmau, and we have both agreed for quite some time now to stop with our search for Laurance. We have far more important tasks on our hands than looking for someone we will not be able to find.

Perhaps I should've told you earlier, but I've heard only news of you shutting yourself away from the world. I understand you miss Laurance. I miss him too. He was our brother. But Alex, you need to learn to let go.

I don't mean for this to come off as mean, but it is simply the truth. I am your sister, and I am only stating what is best for you.

On happier news, I have become engaged. The wedding is in two weeks, and I hope to see you there. I understand this is a troubling time, but it would be nice to see some family.

I have spoken with Aphmau, and I fear not everyone would be able to be in attendance. Just having you, or even another friend, would be enough. I understand the stress Aphmau feels, and I do not expect the others to join us on this occasion.

I'll see you in two weeks time,


It appears that Cadenza has excluded me in what has been going on. If I am not taking care of the children, I am running around senselessly carrying out tasks others don't wish to do. I'm placed doing random jobs, and I am never consistent in what I do. Not like the others.

The fire of my anger regarding Aphmau only burns brighter. It infuriates me to hear that she is exchanging writings with my sister, speaking of me in such a way. I haven't been that way for quite a while now. Though, she wouldn't know that. She wouldn't see it.

She commands me on what to do like I am a child. I have grown. I am twenty two. I am completely capable of making my own decisions of right from wrong. I dread how everyone expects me to obey their every beck and call.

I understand that Cadenza was also Laurance's sister, but I've been with him since I was born. She didn't come into our family dynamic until many years later. I just don't understand how she can't think of those feelings of mine but would think of Laurance's anytime in the past.

I grit my teeth down at the paper in my hands. I could write back. But I know if I did, it would be full of hatred and words I cannot take back. I'll just remain silent as usual.

I stare at the fire in front of me, throwing the paper into it. I watch it burn up in flames only to become soot. Looking at that letter only fills me with pain.

My log shifts in its position.

"What are you burning?" Kandi asks, her eyes going to the burning object in front of me. My eyes are locked on it, watching it fade away with every passing second.

"A letter."

"Why? From whom?"

I sigh. The rest of the paper shrivels up before becoming dark. It's gone now. My sister's carefully written words destroyed out of a fit of anger. "Cadenza. She speaks to me like I'm a child in need of scolding. Aphmau only tells her how I shut myself away from the world instead of my improvements," I tell her, slowly looking over to her. There's a groan of annoyance that I force myself to hold back.

"Why would she do that?"

I shrug. "I could not answer that. I don't see the need for you to ask her yourself. It's simply my problem, and there's not much I can say against it to my sister, but you know how Aphmau is." I glance back to the fire. I know where the letter was, but I could not point it out now. It's covering more areas. "Cadenza is getting married. I don't want to go alone, but I know others may not be able to make it. I may just have to face the journey alone."

"I'll go with you. It'll be fun." Her eyes are twinkling with something I am unable to identify. I begin to think that it's maybe from the fire's dance, but I'm unsure.

My smile becomes genuine. I nod my head before beginning to stand, dusting off my backside. "It'll only be for a few days. The wedding is in two weeks. I appreciate what you're doing, Kandi, really. Thank you."

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