chapter thirty three

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Elizabeth seems to be a baby full of joy. A pretty one at that.

She's captured my attention for as long as she's been alive, and she already has her father wrapped around her finger, even if he doesn't know it yet. I've always wanted to be a mother, and she has brought my dream to life.

Garroth is a wonderful father. He proved this to me when I was pregnant, but he is only supporting my claim now. He comes home from work and presses a soft kiss against Elizabeth's head before he even takes off his boots. He watches over her while I cook, and I've caught him tickling her stomachs during times of surprise. Seeing him so happy with our child makes me happy.

I haven't watched over the children since I was pregnant. It's been a few months since then, and only Elizabeth has been in my watch. The two of us are sitting in tall grass on a blanket. I like to take her out for short periods of time for fresh air and to bask in the sunlight.

I always prepare lunch and wait for Garroth to join us. He does so every day. The two of us sit on the blanket and watch over our bundle of joy as she lies on her stomach.

Today feels different. Garroth is late to our lunch.

It'll soon become nap time for Elizabeth, and Garroth will not see her until later when she wakes. By the time I begin to pack up the blanket and go to pick up Elizabeth, I can see Garroth running towards us.

He's out of breath when he stops. His hands are on his knees, and his breathing is ragged. For a guard, I thought he'd know to place his hands on top of his head.

Elizabeth rests in my arms as I stand before Garroth. "There's lunch in the basket if you'd like to eat back at the house," I tell him, smiling softly. It isn't until I look him in the ears that I learn something is amiss. "Are you alright? Garroth, what's wrong?"

"Tu'la has threatened to invade further. The Phoenix Alliance was requested to stop them."

My eyes widen at his news. I shake my head, feeling like I need to beg him to not go. "Garroth, no, please. You can't go. We just had a baby together! I can't risk losing you."

I feel hopeless at this moment. I hold Elizabeth tighter to my chest. I try my hardest not to cry onto her little head at the thought of losing Garroth. So many people have slipped from my life. I can't risk losing him too. Elizabeth can't go without a father. He walks forward to me, reaching a hand out. I take a step back, shaking my head. I continue to beg him not to go, but I lose.

Garroth walks us back to the house for safety. He fears of them traveling further and closer to Phoenix Drop or to the island. Promises are made that Garroth will come back to us, and I hold it within me thinking that he is telling the truth. I want to believe he will come back, so I do.

"We'll send you to Meteli with your sister." We disagree on this for how young Elizabeth is. I'd hate for her to travel so young and risk getting sick. Cadenza cannot come here because she can't suddenly drop her duties as lord. I know she would if I asked, but I cannot do that to her. "Then I'll retrieve my sister. I'll go now. Stay here and keep our baby safe in the meantime."

I slowly nod my head, and he presses a kiss against my forehead. He leans further down to kiss Elizabeth's head before giving me a weak smile. "I won't be long. I love you both."


Kandi was here not even a half hour later. She packed for days on end to not have to go back to her house during the duration that they're gone. Travis will be gone too, so she would've been alone. I was able to convince Garroth to stay for the night and instead leave in the morning.

It was a gloomy night. Elizabeth didn't seem to laugh as often. And when she did, it didn't sound as merry as it has in the past. It didn't even bring a smile to Garroth's face, and he adores her laughter. He seemed to be in thought all night.

Morning came quickly, and Elizabeth remained asleep by the time Garroth was due to leave.

I remain in my pajamas in front of him as we bid goodbyes. His eyes are saddened. Garroth's horse is packed for the trip, and I've made sure there was food packed along with him. Not a grand meal, but something that will prevent him from eating things like plain bread and crackers.

He wraps his arms around me tightly, and I can't help but to hold onto him with all my strength. My eyes close, and I nuzzle my head into his neck. "I love you so much," I whisper to him. "I'll see you soon."

Garroth looks down at me and leaves a soft kiss against my lips. "I love you too. I'll be back before you can finish saying our daughter's name."

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