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Our baby's giggles fill the open air. I lay my head on Garroth's shoulder as I watch our baby sit up in his spot. A bubbly three month old who likes to escape from my eye at any chance he gets. Much like his big sister.

We're having a picnic with Travis and Kandi. We haven't gotten to do this as often as we once did. Building had stopped years ago, so there wasn't a need to watch over the children as frequently anymore. We could watch our own children. And with me having children of my own, I wasn't there as often to watch over other's.

Garroth is playing around with my hair, wrapping my curls around his fingers before dropping them against my back. At this point, I'm letting him, even if there's a possibility he will destroy the work it took to make it not pin straight.

"Do you think she's growing hungry?" Kandi asks, her hand hovering over the basket in between us. I look at Elizabeth. She's been running around for a great deal of time now, playing by herself.. I don't know how her chest isn't heaving and forcing her to lay on the grass by now. I know that I most certainly would be.

"I think that's highly probable. Though, I think it's your pregnant stomach talking, Kandi," I say, moving Holden onto my lap, so he's out of the way for the children to sit and eat. "Elizabeth, come take a break and eat with us."

Kandi happily begins to place plates in front of each of us. Elizabeth runs over to Garroth and plops herself into his lap before Garroth moves her to in front of us.

"Daddy! Daddy! Did you see me play?" Her eyes sparkle as she looks up to Garroth. I reach into the basket and pull out a sandwich that is wrapped up. Garroth looks down at me before smiling at Elizabeth.

"Of course I did," he humors her, kissing his head before having her sit down in front of her plate. She sits directly in front of us and across from Holden. She can hardly sit still or stop talking long enough to bring water to her lips. "You're in the makings of being a fine guard."

I glance over to Garroth at his words. He gives me a sheepish smile before reaching for Elizabeth's sandwich, going to unwrap it. She's three. She doesn't have her entire life planned out in front of her.

When I was three, I could hardly figure out what sandwich I wanted for lunch the next day. Nevertheless, what my future was going to look like.

Elizabeth happily leans forward to peek her head into the basket. "Auntie Kandi" She says, trying her hardest to get Kandi's attention. "Me and mommy made the cookies!"

Kawaii~Chan's eyes widen as she acts surprised, playing along with Elizabeth's excitement. "You did? I made the turkey sandwiches."

Elizabeth proudly nods her head before I try my best to quiet down my laugh.

"Only because I refused to do it."

We decide that we'll plate Elizabeth up first. But before we have the chance to, Garroth hears a stick breaking in half. Elizabeth's breath hitches as she looks in its direction. "Daddy? What was that?" There's a mix of curiosity and fear in her voice. She loves adventuring into the unknown, but the idea of something large and terrifying startles her. There's the sound of another stick breaking before Garroth slowly begins to stand. I look behind me to see Travis doing the same.

"I don't know, pumpkin. Daddy will go see."

"Elizabeth, stay with mommy," I tell her, closing the basket beside us. "Daddy will come back and tell us what is making that noise. Maybe it'll be a pretty dear or a bunny."

She doesn't seem to pay much attention to me as she watches Garroth's every move. She mumbles an "okay mommy" before squirming in her seat.

Kandi stands from her spot and places her hand on her stomach, taking a step forward before she's told to stop by Travis. After a brief argument, the three walk into the trees to search for the cause of the sound.

Minutes pass, and they don't come out. Holden begins to cry, and I stand onto my feet and lift him up in order to rock. It's during this time that Elizabeth decides to dash off to chase after her father. She's giggling like it's some form of game.

I hold Holden tight to my body and support my head as I try my hardest to dash after my child while keeping my baby safe in my grasp. "Elizabeth, I had told you to stay at the picnic!"

I'm the last one to make it to where everyone else is. My eyes widen as I stop running. Everyone else around me is frozen, and I see Elizabeth tugging onto Garroth's pants from the corner of my head.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I look forward.


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