nightmare stones and crystals

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Last night after my nightmare
I got a drink of water

The silence felt crushing
So I put on a movie
It was called the eagle
It's about a roman centurion
Searching for an emblem his father lost
And restoring his family's name
In good faith

As I listened to the words
I needed my charm
I needed a safety item
My medicine pouch
With a quartz crystal my dad gave me
I had forgotten about it
I found it
And remembered a cup full of smooth stones
That always made me feel happy

I retrieved them
As the movie played in my ears
I chose small rocks
That would fit alongside the quartz
I found an amethyst spear
Polished green wishing rocks with many rings
Cracked clear rocks that looked like glass
Pink and red stones that caught the light
I added them to the pouch
Until it was full
I put it around my neck
I felt grounded
Pulled from my fears
I felt safe

I set the pouch by my bed
Turned off the movie
Needing to tired my eyes further
I started a new book
Read two long chapters
Before setting it aside and closing my eyes

I exhaled slowly
Tried to breathe evenly
And prayed to Odin
That I'd be able to sleep the rest of the night
Without fearing
Sleep itself

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