impromptu poetry/ nostalgia fucking sucks

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I am the bad guy

Has a way
Of kicking my teeth in
When I'm not looking

One picture
One name
One demon from the past
Makes my blood run cold

Cold blood
Cold heart

Demon demon
In the brain
What have I done to you
To deserve such pain

We haven't spoken
In years
But here you are again
Showing up
When I wasn't expecting
To see
Your godforsaken name

My heartbeat increases
At the remembrance
Of you
And your words
The last time we spoke

You were mad
Because I ditched you
When I felt threatened
By you
My supposed

I was scared of you
And I left
Without another word
And you
Hated my guts
Because of it

But yeah
I guess
When it all boils down to it
I was the bad guy

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