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Alphys had a date with Undyne tonight. Sans knew this. He also knew it wasn't a normal date. Undyne was planning on proposing. How'd he know this? He was eavesdropping while 'taking a nap'. Now... he wanted to help this go well for the girls. Without Alphys knowing. And since everyone else was working and it was only Sans and the fish herself.. she didn't have much of a choice but to have him tag along to the restaurant to pick a reservation seat. (I have no idea if that's actually a thing, but it will be for this!) "This is a good spot... but..that spot outside had a really nice veiw.." Undyne was mumbling while Sans pondered. Factoring in the weather, the service in each area, and music for mood, from what he read about these sorts of things, Sans moved a couple tables over. "if you sit here and alphys sits here, you'll be able to see the sunset where she can't get cold. the wind is supposed to be fairly strong tonight. also, you’re not to far from the band and they take requests. add in that the servers over here seem more patient, this would be the best choice... but that's not up to me." He finished. Undyne gave Sans a bewildered stare. "SINCE WHEN DO YOU SHARE OPINIONS?!" He shrugged. "since now." Was Sans annoyingly simplic reply. Well... at least she had someone's help. It was better than nothing at all. "Well come on, this isn't all I need your help with!"


"how'd you get access to the restaurants kitchen?" Sans asked as Undyne dragged him inside. "I paid big money to use it! I'm making Alphy's meal tonight! But.." Undyne trailed off as they looked at a pot of what looked like ramen. Alphys favorite. "something's missing?" She nodded. "I followed the recipe, but it still doesn't taste right.." Sans took a clean spoon, tasting it for himself. "try a bit more sesame seeds and a pinch of salt." Undyne did and stirred the pot before both taste tested it. "Huh... that IS better. You can cook?" She looked at Sans. "nope." He just was a good judge, no matter what he was judging. "what's next?"
"Alcohol or no."
"no." He didn't even hesitate on that one. Never drink alcohol on an important date, you wanted to remember it, not the opposite. "anything else?"


"What should I use for under my tux. Red or blue?" Sans tilted his head, thinking on it. Red with an electric blue tie or blue with a crimson red tie. He liked the first idea better. "red undershirt, blue tie." Sans concluded with a dicisive nod. She slapped him on the back and he nearly toppled over, not really expecting it. "Wow! Thanks punk!"
"no problem.." Sans liked helping out when he was needed. He liked the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day.


With the date/proposal all set up, they were really just waiting for Alphys and Papyrus. Papyrus to pick Sans up, Alphys, well, for the event. Sans started reading the book of jokes and puns, hiding it in a quantum physics book so nobody would know his real intentions. He wanted to surprise them when he mastered this art. Just as he would surprise Frisk on their birthday in a month. Speaking of... he had to finish that up when they got home. "I-I'm home... I -I'm going t-to change real q-quick!" Alphys scurried upstairs.


"I wonder if she's ok... it's been awhile.." Undyne muttered in worry. "i'll check on her." Sans put down his book and went up the stairs. Soon he was knocking on Alphys and Undyne's door. "al? undyne is getting worried. you ok in there?" He asked. "Y-yes... I just... don't know... w-what to wear.." Alphys replied. "can i come in?" The door was opened as Alphys went back to two black and white dresses. One with polka dots, the other was striped. "dots, definitely dots. they match your personality." He said before closing the door for her to change. "W-wait-"


"Is she ok?" Undyne asked. Papyrus was here as well now. "she's fine, just needed an opinion on something." He grabbed his book, tucking it in his jacket pocket. "O-OPINION BROTHER?!" Papyrus sputtered. "Yep. been doing that all day."
"He has been. He's been very helpful. Tonight is gonna be awesome!" Papyrus beamed with joy. "THAT'S WONDERFUL! I'M SO PROUD, SANS!"
"thanks buddy."

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