Prologue Part One

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|Hunter's POV|

"Hunter!" Kira yells after me. I bolted down the hall, in fear of my sudden heavy breathing and dizzy vision.

"Kira Yukimura, if you get out of that seat, I will have you personally expelled once and for all." I hear Mr. Clemson shout at Kira, but she was already out of her seat and hot on my heels. Kira recently told me that she was moving to Beacon Hills high school next month, so her being expelled wouldn't really make a difference. This only added to my anxiety, though.

I run into the girls locker room, scaring away some petty girls that were already in there gossiping about who knows what. I grab the sink and clench it tightly until my knuckles turn white. My legs were about to give out any minute.

My face was as pale as a ghost. My bleach white hair was in tired knots that match the insane, afraid look in my blue eyes. I thought I would projectile vomit all over the place just like that Jared kid who lives next door to me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kira questions before she gets to see the terrified look in my eyes. "Panic attack?" she asks calmer this time. I nod slowly, not wanting to make myself dizzier than I already was. "Okay, look at me. Hunter, look at me."

I collapse against the wall in front of her and force myself to look up at Kira. "What are you feeling?" She asks me again, and I can feel the bead of sweat dripping down my neck.

"Shut the door!" I scream at the top of my lungs.


"Don't let them in!" I fire at her. She shuts the door in all her confusion and bends down so she can meet me at eye level. "It's scary." I attempt to level out my breathing.

"What is?" Kira pushes further.

"I can't even tell if I'm dreaming right now."

Kira must think I'm the craziest person in the world right now. She doesn't hear what I hear. "Then how do you know if you're dreaming or not?" I glance around the room nervously and my panting begins again. "Hunter, you're okay. Answer me. How do you know if you're dreaming?"

"Fingers. You have more fingers in dreams." I manage.

"Then count with me." She says. Kira lifts one finger at a time and begins to count gradually with me. "One, two, three, four..." My head bobs slightly at my wooziness. "Stay with me, Hunter. We're almost there." I focus on her hands only. "Five, six, seven, eight, nine... ten! See, you're not dreaming!" She says attempting to cheer me up.

"K - Kira. Look. I point at her other hand again that now showed six fingers. "Eleven." I scream a horrific scream that makes my throat hurt.

Before I know it, I'm in my room, lying in bed. I bolt straight up and begin to freakout. Kicking the covers off of me and thrashing around. My legs kick out and my hands grab my hair, trying so hard to pull it out. I hear my door burst open and my parents come rushing in. They sit on either side of me, doing their best to calm me. It takes my dad to wrap his arms around me and my mom wrap her legs around me to actually calm me down. This is not the first time this has happened: waking up screaming in the middle if the night.

I struggle in their grasp until my heart and breathing slows, and I just sit their lying in their arms. Dad whispers something to Mom. "We have to do something about this."

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