Prologue Part Two

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|Stiles's POV|

I'm left alone in a metal room with glass on one wall used for an observation room. I change into the hideous, blue hospital gown quickly before the faces of my doctor, my father, and Scott's mom, Melissa, are on the observation side of the glass wall again.

"Okay Stiles," the doctor's voice is clearly projected out of the speakers as he speaks directly into his microphone. Nobody was allowed to be in the room with me for the test. "Go ahead and lay down on the metal table. I'm going to start it up once you're settled."

I nod my head slightly though he probably couldn't see it.

"Are you sure you don't want any earbuds or music to listen to? This could take several hours."

I nod once again.

"Remember, you cannot move a muscle during the test. We'll have to start everything entirely over. Got that?"

I nod one last time. I knew what to do. I watched Mom go through it years ago. I do as I'm told and lay flat on the cold, metal table. The doctor presses a button that causes the table, and me, to slide into a metal tube that was dark and empty on the inside except for a small blue light and my pillow for me to rest my head on. "Get comfortable. This may take a while."

"I get it!" I finally shout, annoyed with this doctor's shit. That shut him up. Let's just get this over with. I tilt my head from side to side, taking in my cramped surroundings. I squeeze my eyes shut, keeping from the flow of tears and bracing myself for the next few hours. What was this test called anyway? An MRI? Whatever.

This is going to be a long night.

I think I fell asleep during the whole thing. When I peel my eyes open, I see Melissa, Dad and the doctor all looking at something and speaking in hushed whispers together. I allow myself to sit up and turn around when I hear shallow footsteps in my wake. Scott steps in front of me.

He studies my face for a quiet minute before asking the question, "Are you okay?"

I nod for the millionth time since being here in the hospital. "I guess you can say that."

I pull my eyes away from him as a sign that I didn't feel like talking much at the moment. There was a lot to be said, but none of it was anything I wanted to say.

"You know what they're looking for, right?" Scott shakes his head in response, urging me to continue. "They're testing for Frontotemporal Dementia. Areas of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had. It's the only form of Dementia that can hit teenagers." I shake my head. "There's no cure."

I watch Scott as he turns to the side for a second. He looks over at his mom, then stares at the floor for a second. I see him raise his eyebrows, blinking several times. Then he brings his thumb to the corner of his eye, wiping away a tear.

"Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something." He pauses and finally looks up at me from the floor. "I'll do something." I see his eyes bore deep into mine. I can sense his inner enigma. Then his eyes glow bright red, the color I have grown used to over this crazy year or so. My werewolf of a best friend, life couldn't be any crazier.

Scott engulfs me into a huge, brotherly hug. We sit there together until neither of us can stop the rushing flow of tears pouring down both of our faces.

This gives me hope that maybe, just maybe I'll be okay. But until then, I need to go away. I need conceal myself someplace where I won't be a threat to the people I love.


All passages typed in italics will be dreams or flashbacks because these will occur A LOT in the story.

Mad <3

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