Chapter Nineteen

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|Stiles's POV|

"Hey man, what's up?" I hear Scott on the other end of my cell phone I've been managing to hide away from the orderlies all this time. "Stiles?" he keeps asking, voice getting nervous for the only response he recieved was my heavy breathing on the other line. "You there?"

"Scott? Hey, I'm here," I finally responded once the pain was bearable and he went away.

"Are you okay?" he rushed his words. "Can you hear me?" I felt bad. It was in the middle of the night, and I had called him, upset.

"Scott, I- I don't know where I am. I don't know how I got here. I think I was sleep walking."

"Okay. Um, can you see anything? Just tell me what you see."

I whisper even lower, hearing the creepy sliding of feet againtst the hard floor again. "Ah, it's dark. It's hard to see. I think there's something wrong with my-" I immediately cut the phone off ending the call. I knew he was here with me. He could hear me.

My phone began to vibrate again, and I knew it was Scott. It couldn't be safe yet, though. I didn't trust anything. I let the phone continue to ring, not ready to answer it yet. Scott was probably sitting up on his bed, devasted, wondering what was wrong as he listened to my voice mail.

When I think it's okay, I allow myself to call him again, noticing my phone was on four percent. "H his werewolf senses wouldn't be enough to look for me. "Stiles, I can't make a promise like that."

"Please don't call him. Come find me. You can do it," I urge him on. "He doesn't have to know."

"Stiles, I don't know if I can do this."

I sniffle, feeling an oddly cold tear run down my cheek. "I got to call you back. I need to turn my phone off. It's going to die."

"What? Wait, no! Hey-"

"I'll call you back," I assure him.

"Hold on Stiles," he keeps saying. "Wait. Hold on, man," and I was already gone.

I hear the sound of voices whispering something inaudible. It was freaking me out, and I wanted to dart out of there. But I just couldn't. I couldn't move, and I was starting to freeze, shivering uncontrollably. Where was I? "Who's there?" I finally find the balls to yell. I just knew I wasn't alone.

The voices kept whispring, like they were talking to me. And they were mad. "I- I don't understand!" I stutter. "Who are you?"

"Not, who are you, Stiles," something hissed, and I could finally make out what they were saying. "Who are we?" The things groaned, voice getting louder. "It's getting colder, Stiles. "Did you notice that we stopped shivering? Do you know why that's a bad sign? It's the body trying to conserve energy."

I think to myself. "Hypothermia."

"Our speech is starting to thicken," he groaned and hissed. "Then comes fatigue. Confusion. We're going to die if we don't get out of here."

"Stop saying that!" I complain. "Stop saying we!"

"But we are the same, Stiles. We're just trying to keep you from freezing to death. You better get up, Stiles." I was about to scream at any moment, I just didn't have the energy to do so. The pain beginning to swell in my leg again, I choose to use the light from my phone to see what was causing the pain, and what was keep me from going anywhere. And what I saw chilled me to the bone, and made the pain even worse. What looked like a gigantic bear trap clenching my foot made me want to throw up at the sight of blood.

Lose Your Mind | Stiles Stilinksi DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now