Chapter Nine

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|Stiles's POV|

I know her, I thought. I watched as the girl was picked up by a security guard who said she was to be taken to the infirmary. Her face was bloodied, everywhere. It looked as if she were crying tears of blood. The sight made me sick to my stomach. I didn't even know who this girl was.

I turned my vision over to the disgusting man who even dared touching the girl. He was kicked in the side several times, which seemed to have no affect on him. That was until the man took a foot to his bandaged forehead, causing him to let out an ear piercing scream. Whatever was underneath that black blood covered medical wrap, I didn't want to know.

I couldn't help myself when I saw the man attacking her. I just don't know what came over me. She looked so helpless, even though I knew she wasn't. I almost didn't do anything considering how she was holding her ground against him. Her small comments causing me stifle a laugh here and there. The patients around us seemed to want nothing to do with the situation. It wasn't until the worn man grabbed her wrists and forced his will against her that I knew I had to step in. Who knows what could of happened to her if I hadn't.

And when I saw the look in his eyes when he punched that poor, innocent girl in the face, I had completely and utterly lost it. I snapped. That girl did not want to be touched, and he just crossed the line after what he'd done. And I'd had enough. I thought that maybe I had crossed the line when I grabbed her hand, pulling her into me. I felt her tense at the time, and I immediately felt terrible for doing so. That was until she relaxed against me, and I knew it was okay. I was just trusting my instinct. To protect people in danger. To protect her.

After a few security guards had come in to help secure the situation and the man and girl were escorted away, I was left with a guard of my own. He gives a nod of approval and says, "You did the right thing." I nod in reply, keeping my head down for no reason. I had no udea what to do or say after what had just gone down. "Do you need those knuckles to be bandaged?" he asked politely. His name was Jorge, and he was being extremely nice to me. I made a mental note to myself to remember this guy in case I ever needed something from someone reasonable.

I looked down at my wounded knuckles, for I hadn't noticed how badly wounded they were. Each knuckle was split open, covered in blood and bruises. But with the amount of adrenaline rushing through me, I couldn't feel a thing.

"Um, no I think I'll be okay. Thanks for helping me out." I grin, not wanting to forget this guy's face.

"Well, after what you just did..." he shakes his head, not finishing his sentence. "That young girl is lucky. We've had issues with that man before and... well let's just say having him around has its moments."

"Where did they take him?" I wonder aloud.

"Um, I'm not really supposed to tell you that, but you seem to be one of those patients. Same with the girl." he smirks.

"What do you by those patients." I say, putting emphasis on the word.

"Nevermind that. To much for your mind, but your not one of the crazies in this place," he pauses, as if he were waiting for me to say something. I didn't, for I was getting a lot of information and I just wanted him to continue. "So, they took Dr. Valack-"

"I'm sorry. Who?" I interrupt after hearing those words.

"What?" Jorge replies, stupidly.

"You just called him Dr. Valack."

"No I didn't." Jorge rushes his words.

"Yes, you did." I force him to look at me. He glances around the place nervously, and swallows in defeat.

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