Chapter Three

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Some time after your live streaming was over Alexa and I found ourselves at our favorite coffee shop. The two of us by now had gotten our coffees already, a mocha caramel for myself and an americano for Alexa. It had been decided during my streaming that Alexa and I were getting coffee before heading to the mall. Alexa wanted to go cloth shopping and she had bribed me with getting me that forty dollar camera cleaning kit I wanted so badly.
“So what’s up,  girly?” I asked her, giving her a pointed look. “And don’t you go lying to me, I know there’s something up.”
She looked away with a soft sigh before speaking. “Well I wanted to tell you something but I’ve never been sure how to tell you.” She finally looked over at me. “And to tell you the truth I've kept this a secret for a while but I think I'm okay to tell you now.”
I cocked my head to the side with a quizzical look. “Yeah? And what is it?”
“Well ya know how I’ve been a hairdresser for a while.” Though it was a question it sounded more like a statement.
“Of course, what you’ve told me about it, you love that job.” I smiled at her, though I was beginning to wonder where she was going with this.
“I do,” She smiled at the mention of said job. “Anyway, remember how they told me I really couldn’t talk about my clients.” She didn’t wait for me to nod this time before she continued. “From what they said, I should be okay telling you now.”
I raised an eyebrow. “So what are they? Mafia? Ceo of a popular industry? Or some music group? Or a politician?” I couldn’t help but giggle at myself, shaking my head at my own ridiculous ideas.
“Something like that.” She smiled. “I work for the punk rock group, Eskape.”
My mouth dropped. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
“That’s a total of five dollars to the swear jar just today bestie” She shook her head at me trying not to smile. “And no, I’m not shitting you. I actually work with them. I even met my soulmate there on the job.” Her voice dropped to a whisper as she cast a look down at her americana.
“Is it one of the members?” I asked.
“Yeah,” She sighed. “But I know their whole no daring thing and what not. I mean we all know they can date but with still being a freshly new group they don't wanna risk losing their female listeners. They've spoken on the topic regarding their soulmates and what would happen but they're so up in the air about it that I haven’t said anything to him and just wear my natural hair color in a wig form to hide our matching hair.”
“Damn.” I sat back shocked, looking her over.
“Five-fifty.” Alexa cracked a weak smile.
Ignoring her statement I spoke again. “So, who is it then? Is it one of the older members?”
“Nathaniel.” She smiled down at her cup.   
Yet again my jaw dropped, my eyes wide as I looked her over. “Wow, that’s ridiculous.”
She nodded with a soft smile playing on her lips before shaking her head suddenly and looking up at me. “You can’t say anything about this, okay?”
“Promise.” I held up my pinky to her but she shook her head.
“You have to swear on our parabatai bond.” She told me. Making me smile.
“What do you take me for? Of course, I’ll swear on our bond.” The two of us grinned at each other before she reached out, wrapping her pinky with mine.

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