Chapter Eight

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It was the day of, I had my camera in one hand and Deuce’s leash in the other. I was jittery, your fingers hitting softly against the camera when Alexa got a call she quickly answered as we both stepped away from the taxi.

“Hey what’s up?” She called into the phone and there was a pause that followed before she gushed in happiness. “Oh my god, thank you so much Knox! I’ll let her know!”

Alexa quickly hung up before turning to face me with a giant grin on her face. “Guess what?”

“Hm?” I hummed as I looked at her.

“Knox just got done talking with his manager and he agreed to let you do a live stream. He said that it might help with spreading Eskape’s name so he’s willing to let you do the live.” She yelped happily.

“Really?” I explained, a small smile playing on my lips. 


Smiling bigger, I quickly did everything I needed to do to start up my live. And though I had my camera it wasn’t what I did my streaming on but my phone, so with that said my camera was passed to my other hand and the loop of the leash sliding around my wrist. I checked over everything once more before going live, I smiled wide as I spoke.

“Hey guys, it’s your favorite live streamer here!” I reached my hand, with the camera and leash, up in a wave. “So, today I'm going live with my bestie, Alexa.”

Alexa popped into the picture waving. “Hi, everyone.”

“Apparently today is Alexa’s day to bring your bestie to work.” I laughed before angling the phone to face more of her. “Care to tell the viewers where you work?”

She shook her head at me but spoke anyway. “Well I work as a hairdresser for a small rock group.”

Grinning, I asked my question like I didn’t know the answer. “And what group would that be?”

“Eskape.” She laughed softly.

I flipped the camera around to show the building before us. “Let’s all go in!”

I was blabbing another nothing in particular as I followed Alexa inside and toward the elevator. I even caught as she said ‘hello’ to anyone she passed, and a few times the two of us even stopped for her to introduce me to some of the employees she grew close with. But once we were in the elevator, I flipped the camera back on myself to blab some more to my viewers. 

“So, from what Alexa tells me is that some of the members are my fans which is really weird to hear because I didn't think I’d get fans as high profile as these guys are. But it’s really cool because I have to say I'm a mini fan of theirs myself.” I gave a small laugh as the elevator came to a stop and the two of us got out. Since I didn’t know where I was going I found myself following Alexa yet again but the walk wasn’t that long before we stopped outside a room. “We’re here!”

Alexa shook her head with a small smile before she opened the door to reveal a set of boys and a smaller woman  all standing in a half circle waiting for your arrival. There were a few of them looking down at their phones, then up and m and then back down again.

“Shit, it’s actually her, Jules look.” Nathan gaped at you.

Bishop came over wrapped his arms around Jules and Nathaniel’s shoulders, leaning down to the phone they held between them. I assumed it was showing my live video before looking up at me.

“Well damn.” He said. “It really is her.”

“Stop cussing will you, she’s live.” Knox mumbled, shaking his head. “Which means our fans can see us.”

“Fuck.” I let the word slip from my lips before I could even stop myself, Alexa spinning to smack me lightly as she argued. 

“That goes for you too.”

I pouted a moment but my eyes traveled around the room before meeting the leader. “Thank you for letting me film today.” I also looked down at Deuce, giving what I hopefully could convey as a ‘thanks for not questioning me about the dog’.

He smiled and my heart skipped a beat a little as he spoke. “No problem.”

If this was one of those romance movies or dramas I would laugh at how we were having a moment. The one where they would claim it’s love at first sight, but that didn’t really exist. Did it?

Someone cleared their throat and I was immediately brought out of my daze as I looked to see who it was before their voice reached my ears. “Um…Knox, shouldn’t we introduce ourselves? For Lacey’s viewers I mean.”

It was Ryan who spoke, my body immediately pointing the camera in his direction.

“Oh…um…yeah, right.” He stumbled making me snicker softly.

A quick introduction was soon made and Alexa took advantage of the awkward silence to pull me off to her work station, Knox following as she spoke.

“So I’m having to re-dye Knox’s hair so you can either watch or go around and talk with the others.” She told me as she made Knox sit down in front of her.

“I might do little mini interviews if that’s alright?” I whispered, meeting Knox’s eyes in the mirror before him.

“That’s fine.” He smiled at me. “And Lacey?”


“If you need to let him off the leash we won’t stop you.” He said softly, and I wasn't sure if the audio would have picked that up which I was thankful too.

I handed my phone over to Alexa with a small ‘thank you’ shot Knox’s way as I kneeled down to unclasp Deuce’s leash. Alexa took the advantage to show my viewers her equipment as the Eskape leader leaned down as to not be heard by the phone.

“The others  also know not to ask.” He told me.

I smiled up at him, my fingers already brushing through Deuce’s fur. “Thank you, Knox.”

He just nodded as I stood, taking back the phone from Alexa as she asked. “So, what do you plan on asking everyone?”

I gave a shy smile. “I have no fucking clue.”

“That’s a dollar to the jar.” She warned me, making me groan.

“Why is it so hard not to cuss?” I grumbled.

She laughed. “Cause it’s you.”

I stuck my tongue out at her, my eyes straying to catch Knox’s eyes which had me immediately pulling my tongue back in my mouth. I almost immediately turned from him, giving Deuce a silent command to follow before walking off to go meet with the others.

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