Chapter Nine

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Lacey was wandering around talking with the others, Knox’s eyes following her all the while without messing Alexa up too much. His voice carried over to his soulmate’s best friend as she patted his shoulder, her little signal that she was done and that it was just a waiting game now. 

“Is she doing okay?” He questioned as he turned to watch Lacey, his eyes not bothering to find Alexa. He knew she’d answer and that made him smile softly as he waited for her answer.

“Do you see that little finger twitch she’s doing?” Alexa asked. “Or that her other hand is curled into Deuce’s fur?”

Knox’s eyes narrowed in on Lacey’s fingers drumming against the camera. Her phone had been set up on a tripod giving her the chance to grab a fist full of Deuce’s fur, the dog pressed against his owner with eyes watching. With every topic Lacey and the others talked over, Knoc watched as her fingers tightened or loosened around Deuce’s fur and similarly done with the camera.

“Is she okay?” Knox  asked his soulmate’s best friend.

“She’s just nervous and a bit uncomfortable.” Alexa answered. “But once she gets to know the boys better she’ll mellow out a bit more.”

“Okay…” Knox mumbled and then thought better. “Wati, you said uncomfortable? Uncomfortable how? Do you think any of the boys are making her uncomfortable?” 

Alexa shook her head. “No, no they are fine. She’s just not used to this much attention nor is she used to this many new people at once.”

“Okay good, I was worried there for a minute.” He breathed leaning back in his chair, not realizing that he had started leaning forward as if ready to jump out of his chair.

Alexa smiled and with a teasing note in her voice, said. “You’re so whipped already.”

He chuckled lightly. “Shut up.”

“I hope you know she’s going to kill you for this.” Alexa flicked at the man’s hair, the smile never leaving her face.

“What can I say?” He grinned. “It’s better to have a fun, interesting reveal rather than just saying ‘hey, I’m your soulmate.’, don’t ya think? That’d be kinda boring.”

“You’re perfect for her.” Alexa shook her head.



I was finally getting comfortable with the other, and I was all sitting on the floor in a half circle talking and having run. At some point I even forgot that I was doing a live until one of the others brought it up.

“So, Lacey, how’d you decided you wanted to do youtube videos and live streams?” Bishop asked with wonder.

“Well, I've loved filming and taking pictures since I got my first camera and at one point I guess I started to do something similar to video diaries.” I explained, carding my fingers through Deuce’s fur. His head was on my lap, and that was all I needed to help suppress my feelings of unease. “When Alexa and I first met, she knew I did videos but never saw me do any. That was until one day she had come over and caught me making once, and long short shots, she made me forget I was filming. We were acting like complete idiots and when I found the video the next day, I thought it’d be a fun idea to try and post it on youtube.

“All the comments said we were absolutely hilarious and I was surprised at the number of views I got within a week of posting it. So I tried another video, this time by myself, and to my surprise it got the same amount of views and comments. The number of followers I had tripled and they kept telling me how easy I was to relate to and that I needed to do more. My career kinda soared from there.” I finished, my own viewers hadn’t known the story behind why I started filming but they knew why I kept on.

“That’s so cool.” Nathan grinned at me.

“Hey, Lacey?” It was the baby of the group, Jules, who spoke.


“Wasn’t your hair a light brown earlier?” She asked.

“Yeah.” I said. “Why is it not?”

She shook her head and I caught Zack smirking and elbowing Ryan.

“She’s right, it’s not anymore.” Nathaniel spoke up. “Look.”

I followed the direction he pointed to right after, the full length mirrors not too far from where we sat. And so standing up, I walked over to the wall with my eyes closed. I was dreading what the color would be, I wasn't ready to see just what color would be atop my head.

“If it’s a color that could get me fired from the cafe, I’m killing my soulmate.” You finally opened your eyes, not seeing that one of the boys pointing the camera to you. “I’m so gonna kill him!!! Alexa!!” I spun to face where I last saw my best friend but upon seeing what lay out before me, I saw nothing but red. “You!! You’re my soulmate?!?! Oh,  of course I got a kpop idol as my soulmate, I should have known with how often you change your damn hair color. Which, hot damn…no wait, how fried is your hair?!”

He grinned at me. “How fried is yours, baby girl? If I remember correctly we’ve been having a hair dying battle for a little over a month now.”

I stomped your foot like a child making his grin widen. “Alexa! This is your fault and don’t try feeding me that bullshit of you not knowing. You probably figured it out long ago that he and I were soulmates, did you?”

“It was annoying but fun.” She smiled.

I let out another angered scream, Deuce’s nose pushing into my hand calming me a bit. I was trembling, and my anger was hiding the fact that this terrified me. I found my soulmate, I finally found him but meeting him had my chest tightening. He nuzzled further against me and I took in a few deep breaths before shooting my soulmate a glare.

“Do you know how much trouble you’ve gotten me into, Knox? School was hell because of the few times you changed your hair color.” I told him.

“The ones I did in school were temporary.” He said.

“That’s not the point.” I groaned. “And then work…ugh!! I’ve had to wear a wig to work because they said the next time it happens again I’d get fired. I mean granted I don’t need the job of streaming the way I do, but I like the cafe.”

“Baby girl, you know I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.” He said apologetically but there was a mischievous grin spread across his face that told me he wasn’t sorry in the slightest. 

I frowned at him, shaking my head.

“Besides, your feisty ass liked it, didn’t you.” He took a step toward me.

“Don’t be an asshole.” I threatened him.

“I’m your soulmate, baby girl.” His eyes were on me making me fidget, I loved his eyes on me like this but at the same time it terrified me. “I’m supposed to challenge you like you’re supposed to challenge me. It’s how we equal each other out, it’s how we complete one another.”

I tried staying angry but every time he used that little term, every time he used ‘baby girl’, it made my knees go weak. It made me fall for him a little more and without realizing it, I was matching his every step. One by one, step by step, I found myself standing face to face with my soulmate.

“Hi, baby girl.” He smiled down at me.

“Asshole.” I mumbled looking up at him.

He gently reached down to my hand holding the camera, my finger tapping against it slightly. “May I?”

I understood his question, he knew what this camera meant to me. But how? And then I remembered my best friend, it would explain why he never questioned a thing about Deuce either.

“She told you?” I whispered.

“She wanted to make sure you were comfortable, as do I. I just don’t want you accidentally dropping it when I kiss you.” He told me with a mischievous smile.

“Who said I’d let you kiss me.” I growled, my other hand tightening in Deuce’s fur. “You just changed my hair color, again!”

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