Chapter Four

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"I didn't know our hairdresser was friends with our new favorite live streamer." Nathaniel sat back in shock, staring at the screen then across the room at said hairdresser who was doing Bishop's hair.

"I kinda did." Jules mumbled only loud enough for the others to hear. "Alexa let it slip one day when she was working on my hair. That's how I got into Lacey's videos."

Nathaniel opened his mouth to say something more but was stopped upon seeing Knox walk up to them, clearing his throat and looking them dead in the eyes as he spoke. "Are you guys ready for practice? We have to be ready to start promoting again."

"Yeah sure, let me just get a few things set up." Nathaniel answered.

And as he walked away, Jules turned to Knox. "Hey bro?"

"Hm, what is it baby sis?" He looked to meet the other's questioning eyes.

"Why is your hair blonde again?" The younger asked. "I thought you had dyed it a different color a few days ago?"

Knox sighed heavily. "I did but it's my soulmate, I think. They may not like what it was before and had it changed without care."

"But don't they know by now that you're just going to dye it over again?" She laughed softly.

"True but if my soulmate is uncomfortable or unhappy with the color then there isn't a doubt in the world that they'd have it changed." Knox spoke, shaking his head. "I'll just have to have Alexa do it either later tonight or some time tomorrow."

"Alexa is nice, I hope we can actually keep her." The younger one spoke softly. "She's been here so long already, and that's a record for us, will she stay?"

The older sibling placed a hand on his sister's back, a soft smile on his face as he nodded. "I have no doubt she will. Now let's go practice, shall we?"

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes and then I'll be ready!" Jules immediately dropped the phone she and Nathaniel had forgotten about, the one that held a live stream by you.

The elder couldn't help but chuckle to himself, shaking his head as he looked down at the abandoned device. "These punks need to turn off their stuff when they're done with them."

He reached to turn off the device, though not before catching a beautiful blond hair girl making the cutest pouty face. She was stunning, she absolutely took his breath away and that's what had him pushing the thought of her aside as he shut the phone off. She was drop dead gorgeous yes but he had a beautiful soulmate out there somewhere waiting for him, he would not tarnish the idea of them with a woman who most likely didn't belong to him.


It was a few hours later that Knox found himself sitting in front of Alexa, the woman putting the finishing touches to his hair. Her hair dyed gloves had long ago been abandoned and replaced with a hairbrush and hair dryer. She had styled his hair with ease, a small smile on her face as she looked over her work. He had caught her proud look a few times in the mirror already.

"There ya go, all done." She grinned as she set her tools aside and took a step back from him to let him stand.

"Thanks, Lexa." He grinned back at her as he pushed himself up from the chair, though he couldn't say more as her phone ran.

Alexa was quick to answer, pulling the phone up to her ear. "Hello? Lacey, is that you?"

Knox took that as a sigh to leave, though Alexa didn't notice as her best friend answered her with a light growl leaving your lips.

"I'm gonna fucking kill my damn soulmate, Lex."

"It happen again?" Alexa asked, shaking her head. This happened every time, Lacey's hair would end up a different color and Alexa would dye it another just in spite of her soulmate. But low and behold it would always be a different color either a few hours later or within the following days.

"What do you think?" Lacey ranted to her. "Ugh, this drives me crazy. I mean why does my soulmate keep dying their stupid ass hair not matter how many times I change it back. You think they'd learn by now." Same would be said to you, Alexa thought to herself as she let her friend vent. "And yes, I know I owe money to the jar!"

Alexa laughed at the frustration, how was it the other still had time to bitch about her hair but then also about the jar. To say the least, Alexa was always surprised by that. "I'll just dye it later tonight, okay? I don't have to be in here until tomorrow afternoon so I don't mind the late night we'll have."

"But again though? My hair will be just as fried as theirs will be." Lacey sighed heavily over the phone but then thought better of it. And Alexa could almost read her thoughts. Lacey didn't mind her hair being fried and Alexa always found ways to bring it back to being healthy. Plus, if worse comes to worse Lacey wouldn't mind cutting it shorter. A bitter laugh left her lips and Alexa could practically see the wicked grin across her best friend's face. And though Alexa couldn't see the other, she knew just what revenge Lacey was plotting. "On second thought let's do it. You know how to not kill my hair."

Alexa laughed softly. "What color do you want me to pick up on the way there or do you want to do your normal color again?"

"Just pick me up a black or something. It's gonna take too long to bleach my hair back to a good enough color so that we can do my normal dirty blond." Lacey told her with a heavy sigh.

"Good point."

She sighed again. "Thank you bestie, I know this must be getting annoying by now."

"You just need to find your soulmate and stop pissing each other off by changing your hair colors so much." the hairdresser answered you.

"I know but that's easier said than done." Lacey laughed softly, though a frown was evident on her face regardless of it being seen by Alexa. That's how much she knew about Lacey, she could always hear the change in emotion.

"By the way what color is it now?" Alexa questioned.

"The same as it was a few days before, just a few shades off that original color."

Alexa listened, staring blankly at Knox a moment, his back to her as he talked with the other members, Bishop and Ryan to be exact. It dawned on her that she may be looking at her best friend's soulmate, and with that thought in mind she found herself mumbling and forgetting Lacey was on the other end of the line.
"This might be a lot harder than I thought."

"What will?" Lacey asked.

Shit, Alexa thought to herself before speaking aloud. "Oh, um...nothing bestie, just work stuff. One of the guys is having an issue with his hair lately so I've had to fix it a few times and might have to fix it again in the coming days. But for now I gotta go, okay. I'll call you later on my way over to yours, alright?"

"Sure, but in the meantime can I steal one of your wigs? I got work in an hour and they aren't gonna be happy with me showing up like this."

"Yeah, go ahead." Alexa answered. "You still have a key to my apartment right?"

"Yeah," Lacey laughed, the sound of keys jingling in the background making Alexa laugh softly. "Anyway, love ya bestie! Bye!"

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