Goodbye one more time

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It was time for the last show for me everyone was being really nice to me and hugging me everyone knew I was leaving but no one wanted to admit it for the last time i watched austin get dressed up for his show austin was always happy about his shows but tonight he was a little lost I went out with the crew to watch on the sidelines tonight

"Guys before I start the show I want to say something theirs a very special girl backstage tonight and it's her last concert I want to make it really special and one to remember so let's get LOUD Orlando" austin yelled the last part I couldn't help but let a tear run down my face where Zach brought me into his Side wiping away the tears

"Don't cry your too pretty for that" Zach said

One of my favorite songs came on and I looked around for the girl they were gonna bring out they always had the most hilarious faces when austin got that close to them but I got surprised when

"Alright everyone im gonna bring out someone who is very special and close to my heart Ashley please come on stage" Austin said Rocco and Michele pushed me into the stage

The music started playing and josh sat me down on the stool austin ran to the top of the big screen and started singing

Turn you radio up turn your radio up
Ain't not other eye for you shawty
I put a million on that that that that
Took my world and gave me half of it baby
I pray you never give it back back...

Me and Austin disippeard behind the closed door and he just stood their staring at me before giving me a kiss we walked back to his room hand in hand smiling away for no reason after Austin said goodnight to Orlando we got back on our bus to the next stop


"Austin stop unpacking my clothes" I said for the thousandth time

I was collecting my things from Austins room and he was sitting on his bed unpacking everything I was packing

"STOP IT I only have 3 hours to do this" I yelled but he continued to ignore me

I grabbed my suitcases packing up my bunk I was right in between Rob and Zach which had its benefits at times I ripped my charger out of the wall bringing it to the front of the bus and collected my toothbrush and what not I didn't have much to pack since we were basically living out of our suitcases just the little things

I finally sat down on the couch and watched Rob play alex in call of duty Rob was leaning on the counter eating away as usual and Zach has just been playing on his phone and sleeping Ans lastly Austin was mad at me

"You know austin this is the last time tour GONNA see me for months do you really wanna ignore me the whole time" I said trying to convince him to sit with me

It was late around 2am everyon was sleeping when something random happened with the tour bus we were stopped near a Walmart and their was absolutely no one their everyone went to get snacks while Rocco and dave helped with whatever was wrong I was gonna go with the crew but austin had a different idea

We were laying on his bed watching tv when we stopped so as I was leaving austin closed the door with his back

"One more time before you go" he said pouting

"Hmm Fine" I agreed

I loved the feeling of his sweaty body on mine and oh his hard erection pulsing inside me it was heaven we finished just i time for anyone to get back on the bus

We pulled clothes on while er thine piled in and jumped into bed pretending to sleep but Austin wasn't very good at it he was laughing at something random so alex threw something at him making him laugh more

We spent our last few moments together playing some video games and taking mad pictures we were having a great time and I just have got asked s dozen times if I wanted to stay but I couldn't stay I wanted to but couldn't
When we dropped I gave everyone a very long hug and austin gave me a long kiss everyone was totally confused but it was whatever

"Let me walk you inside" austin said and I nodded I waved one last goodbye to the crew as we Wales to my door austin gave me one last hug and pulled something out of his pocket but told me to Open it later I waved bye to him and everyone sticking their head out of the door and watched them drive away once they were completely gone I ran up to my room with my suitcase

"Back so soon honey" my dad said at my doorway as I unpacked

"Yea kinda"

"Oh honey don't cry" he said rushing over to me hugging me I left because I had to I didn't have a valid reason I was already gonna miss them and they have only been gone for 5 minutes his will I ever last 2 months without them or Austins body against mine I would just have to get through it I was gonna miss out on so much but it had to be done for Some strange reason I had to do it no matter how much it hurt

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