Im coming home

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"why texas"

"Idk man God just brought me here"

"Your a full blown hippie aren't you"

"Soft rock soft hippie" viper said

"Do you guys wanna order pizza" I said as we all walked in holding towels around us

"I have to get home but thanks for being my friends" viper said nearly folding the towel and putting it on the counter

"No problem vip" tyler said as he left

"He's actually not that bad" I admitted and tyler shot me a weird look

I was finally getting in bed at 2 am I just got out of the shower and didn't feel like drying it so I just stuck it all in a bun I was sleeping in zachs room again around 3 I heard a door open and a suitcase drop on the floor the bed sank in next to me I jumped up turning the light on

"ZACHIE POO" I yelled jumping on top of him Zach was my brother if yall didn't know

"Sis did you miss me that much" he said laughing

"Yes yes I did" I smiled laying down beside him to listen to his interesting stories but he was already fast asleep when I got back I'll just ask him tmrw


My dad came home early this morning when me and Zach got downstairs dad was cooking breakfast me and Zach sat on the island far away from each other while we watched our dad cook

"Morning kids" he said with his "kiss the cook" apron on

"Hi" we both said

He put down and omelet with spinach home fries bacon and orange juice all jokes aside our dad was an amazing cook

"What's up with you kids" he said leaning on the counter looking from me to Zach

"I'm tired because I got back at 3am last night" Zach said shoving more food in his mouth

"I'm tired too" I said

I finished my food and ran upstairs to my room to get ready I wore some medium dark wash jeans with rips and a tank top that said amore on it and some blue converse I grabbed my bag and waited in the car for Zach I got the opportunity to take shotgun minutes later Zach came running out with black basketball shorts on and a shirt that had a dollar sign on it and his stupid money backpack slung around his shoulder with his red Jordan's on once he got in the car we drove off to school

"Ash Austins coming back today you know"

"Yeah what's up with that why didn't you go with him to Philadelphia?" I said

"Because it was something to do with dave"

"Oh" I said

Me and Zach got out of the car and watched our dad drive away I ran towards tyler and viper while Zach wandered somewhere else I pulled them both into a hug and walked with them to homeroom the day was Boring as usual until social studies we were all sitting down in our normal seats when I noticed a too familiar boy with short dark brown hair sleeping on the desk

"Rob" I whispered throwing a piece of paper at him

"Ashely your in this class" he said puzzled


At lunch viper joined our little circle it was me tyler Rob Zach alex and viper I introduced him to everyone and told them how we all used to be friends with tyler in middle school we listened to stories about the tour which some of them were fairly interesting


We all squished into my dads car on the way home

"Their was this one story where austin for his tongue stuck to the tour bus in Germany" alex said laughing

"What happened" I said making a gross face

"Okay Rob dared him to lick the side of the tour bus in -10 degree weather so austin being him did he ended up getting his tongue stuck so we had to pour hot water on his tongue and we were 40 minutes behind schedule to get to paris we just made it to the show with 2 minutes to spare Austins isn't even change for the show and no one got any sleep he ended up getting an encore so he was on longer than planned austin learned to never lick the side of a tour bus in -10 weather" alex finished laughing along with Rob as they remembered the memory

"The things boys do" I said and my dad looked at me and laughed

We got dropped off at my house while my dad went to go pick up dinner for us we were really board and didn't know what to do so we settled for watching tv our dad brought home Chinese food which was delicious


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