Tylers six feet under

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Today we were all being forced to get in a car and drive an hour out of Miami
To Fort Lauderdale to go get fitted for dressed and tuxs for the funeral

"Be nice" Rob whispered as we all got in the car I just so happened to have to sit next to austin I was in the middle of Rob and austin this will be fun

"Let me share your music" I said to rob

"Why can't you use yours" he said pulling one ear bud out

"Because my phone died" I said pouting

"Course" he said handing me one

"Rob" Zach said leaving over the backseat

"What" Rob snapped turning around

They started talking about something but I zoned out looking out the window

"Take a picture" austin said but I didn't know what he was talking about


"Your staring at me aeri" austin said

"Oh sorry" I said looking back down at my hands Rob grabbed it and smiled at me

"I got you" Rob whispered to me making me feel happy

When we finally got their we all piled out of the car I was so excited to stretch my legs I've been cramped between 3 boys for 1 and 1/2

All the dresses were so beautiful I didn't really know what to choose from me and Tyler's mom just looked around with Kaycie while the boys shopped for their tuxs

"Try these on" Tyler's mom said handing me a couple of dresses

I couldn't help but stare at myself in the dressing room as I tired on the dresses I even imagined tyler their for a moment telling me they looked great I always dragged him dress shopping and he started to not even mind

"Those look gorgeous on you honey" she said looking me in the eyes she looked just as sad as I was I couldn't help but have to look away from her the little boy sitting next to her playing on his phone made me even sadder he was like Tyler's clone he was so sweet and adorable he was 14 he had the dirty blonde hair like tyler and the personality of him the only thing different was he had these gorgeous blue eyes like his sister

"I think we should get these" she said andI agreed when we walked to the register all the boys were sitting their ready to leave me his mom and Kaycie were all getting the same dress and the boys were all wearing the same thing their was nothin really more to do just to get tyler dressed up to be buried

By the time we got home it was really late and I just hurried up to my room while I was getting ready for bed someone o haven't really talked to knocked on my door

"sweetie can we talk for a minute" my dad said I welcomed him in and he sat down on my bed patting next to him I sat down and waited for him to speak

"Ariel look at me please" he said looking at the Side of my face but I didn't look he grabbed my shoulders making me look at him

"It's going to be okay ariel it's going to be fine I know it's hard right know but in time it will better"

"When dad when"

"Honey it will it's going to take time it's not just gonna happen over night Tyler's only been out of our lives for a month it is just gonna get easier im not telling you you can't be upset about it im telling you it's okay but you can tbe depressed FORVER ariel you just can't" my dad said

"But daddy you always told me to stay strong" I said beginning to cry

"I never met you couldn't express your feelings baby girl" he said pulling me into a hug

"Your still my little warrior" he said

After my talk with my dad I felt s little better I haven't really been Close to my dad lately and it was good to just talk with him he's always usually busy and I would have tyler but know I don't really have everyone everything is being piled on at once zachs getting older Austins getting famouser Tyler's gone my moms gone my dog died last year that I've had since I was born I got kicked off my cheer team because i missed to many days when I was mourning over Tyler my grades have fallen a lot when I said everything's happening at once I met it it's terrible I don't know what to do anymore Tyler was always my comforting person he was who I always turned to know I can't


Tyler was being dressed up for his big day the wake was hell he lied on the table looking cold he was a little blue and under his eyes were dark circles his hair was a little messy but he was still more handsome then ever he was so good to everyone why did he have to die who would wanna harm Tyler everyone loved Tyler

When he was done being dressed I asked for a minute alone with him which probably sounded really stupid but I wanted to be with him one more time she left the room and I pulled up a chair beside him I ran my hands through his hair a couple times and looked at his gorgeous face I unzipped my purse and pulled out our friendships bracelets I was already wearing mine I wrapped his around his arm gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Tyler I want you to listen to me we will always be best friends no matter what I love you so much Ty Ty i love you" I said before I left

When I went outside everyone was standing around the big hole waiting for Tyler to enter minutes later Tyler's casket entered and the priest went up to the podium and started speaking when he was done his mom went up their

"I want to welcome someone very special to Tyler and very important to him she was his best friend and he was nothing without her ariel please come up here" everyone clapped for me and I went up on the stage

"Uhm Tyler he was a very special person everyone loved Tyler he was a very fun outgoing person and very annoying at times (laugh) he was my best friend we did everything together and I mean everything Tyler was awesome he was such a good person im still not sure why anyone wanted to hurt him he never did any harm to anyone he wouldn't hurt a fly he was a good boy" I finished

Everyone clapped I awkwardly walked back to my spot on the grass my dad gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead

After Tyler was six feet under ground we all began to leave I was dying to go back but Rob and Zach made sure I didn't go back I sat in silence on the way back to the hotel

RIP TY TY ♥️♥️♥️

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